Chapter 20 - Calitor

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"Good afternoon!" Hitsuki sings, and Akai opens the door.


"I brought biscuits!" Akai lets the girl in and she sighs. "Lucky you, getting to breathe without your disguise on..."


"I'm surprised you called me" Whiskey speaks.

"Shut up and listen. I know you've been letting Hiromitsu roam around without a disguise on and I am about to murder you for that." Rosé grumbles. "Have him drive over to my place. I'm gonna have someone help me design a disguise for him. If he's late I'm calling off the engagement."

"I'll be early." Hiro grabs the phone from Whiskey and laughs. "I'll be there in 10."

"Have a hat and sunglasses on. You're such a problem child"

"I love you too" Hiro ends the call and heads over.


"A disguise?" Yukiko asks.

"Mhm, I have a... friend who's being chased down by a handful of yakuza members" Hitsuki twiddles her fingers and Yukiko hums.

"Well, as inconspicuous as he can get right? Why are you asking me?"

"B-because he's cute and I want to make him cuter" Hitsuki mumbles shyly.

"Is he a crush?"

"N-no! He's just a really attractive friend of mine" Hitsuki chuckles awkwardly. This was harder than she thought.

"Hm, well we could have him pose as Subaru's brother? Or perhaps your brother?"

"Hm I want to keep him away from Akai-san though... alright thank you Yukiko-san!" Hitsuki smiles and helps her bring the tea to the living room.

"How rare... for me to get a call from you boy," Akai speaks. "What? Shukichi's missing? After getting involved with a murder case?"

"Shukichi's gONE?!" Hitsuki shrieks and listens in on the call.

"Yeah! It's possible Taikou-meijin found out who the culprit was and went to see them... since all three suspects are professional shogi players just like him, maybe he wanted to persuade them to turn themselves in..."

"Anyway, tell me the details of the case" Hitsuki holds the phone to his ear and he pulls out his notebook to start writing.

"Can you switch to speaker so that I can listen in on the conversation as well? I've got plenty of free time..." Yusaku speaks up and Hitsuki laughs.

"You have the world's foremost deduction fanatic to make use of to your heart's content!" Yukiko grins. Hitsuki clicks open her phone and listens to Conan speak.

"I see, the number of legs on the shogi board decreases with each successive victim huh? But you already realized that the number of legs is a red herring, right?"

"Yeah, but as I said before, those three have an alibi," Conan notes.

"But you said that Akai-kun's younger brother noticed something but what made you think so?"

"If I'm not mistaken, when the meijin was trying to peer past the people in front of him and catch a glimpse of the corpse, his hand touched the kitchen counter. He clutched his hand as if he touched something hot or cold. I don't know which one it was but the look in his eyes changed right after..."

"What were the objects on the kitchen counter at the time?" Hitsuki asks.

"There wasn't anything significant you know? There were two ice cube trays, a blender, and a toaster I think?"

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