Chapter 15 - Tibouren

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"It's been awhile Shuichi-nii-san, Hi-chan" Hitsuki sits up and smiles.

"Shukuchi! I missed you!" Hitsuki sits up and grins. Her younger brother smiles at her.

"It's been about 7 years huh? You grew a lot Shukichi" Akai speaks. "Are you in your third year of high school now?"

"What other grade would he be in Nii-chan?" Hitsuki grimaces.

"Hey, say hello! It's the first time you two have met right?" Shukichi stares at the child hiding behind him.

"N-nice to meet you... my name is Masumi..." the young girl blinks and Shuichi eyes her.

"Hn? Who's this brat?"

"Masumi-chan!" Hitsuki grins and Masumi hugs her. "I missed you!"

"Our little sister! I sent you her photo didn't I?"

"Right... before I went to America, Mother's tummy did grow bigger... "

Hitsuki hugs Masumi in her lap before speaking up. "Where's Kaa-san? She was at the hotel with you right?"

"We quarreled a bit at the hotel... Mother's knife chop got me right in the eye and now I look like this thanks to her" Shuichi removes his glasses and Hitsuki winces.


"I also threw a punch or two, I wonder if she's chilling it with ice right now-"

"You should chill your head instead" Mary walks up and Hitsuki lets go of Masumi. "You said you wanted to study in America so I let you study abroad... but you just wanted to see the truth behind your father's incident? And entering the FBI after graduating... you're like a small child possessed by a Shinigami..."

"I got both a green card and American citizenship... then after getting 3 years of work experience, I should pass the writing exam and physical test... no big deal. Well, I did had trouble getting a driver's license since it's right-hand traffic there, switching suddenly is rather hard you see..."

"What about living costs? Do you think I would give an allowance to someone who's saying such stupid things?"

"I don't mind providing" Hitsuki pushes her hair back and removes her sunglasses. "I was planning on figuring out dad's death as well. Whether that be by investing my way in or fighting... don't forget what dad said, mom. If there's anything that I'm good at, it's escaping death..."

"Really, I call your brother back to Japan after all this time and take you to the beach and you two still... well, hopefully looking at this scenery helps you remember that your father told you to come here... don't forget the mail he sent" Mary leaves and Hitsuki checks her phone.

"Well then, let's go to the beach hut and eat something shall we?" Shukichi drags Masumi and she follows. She plans to have her brother laugh by the end of the day.

"You wanted to say something earlier, what was it?" Shuichi turns to look at his younger sister.

"Ah? I found a loose thread, I'll hand over the files when you get to the FBI. Text me if you need anything alright?" Hitsuki crosses her legs and scrolls through her phone.

"A loose thread? On dad?"

"No, on who could've possibly taken him down. I met someone the other day... they said they knew my mother. Scared me half to death" Hitsuki grumbles. She clicks open the file and hands it to Shuichi.

"Hm? An actress?"

"A master of disguise... when you join them, be sure to keep an eye out for her. Just as a warning" Hitsuki sighs and Shuichi hands her her phone back.

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