Chapter 22 - Grolleau

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"Order's ready"

"Tsk, with Gin's crew?" Rosé wipes her darling Lobaev SVLK-14S.

"You have no choice, this is Boss' orders." The call ends and Hitsuki hides her gun in her guitar case.

"Another day another pest huh?" She calls really quickly that she would be going and heads to meet up with Vermouth.


"What?! You intercepted another message from the FBI?!" Chianti yells into the mic.

"We just killed some FBI..." Korn mumbles.

"Are you sure it's legit Vermouth?!" Chianti yells.

"Yes. Apparently, they still don't know that their comrades have been killed" Vermouth speaks. "It'll be at the parking lot in district 1, block 4, Kadefu an hour from now. With your viper, you should be able to get there in under 30 minutes right, Chianti?"

"Are you kidding? I won't even need 10!"

"I'll head there with Kir and Rosé. Gin and Vodka, you know what to do"

"Wait." Rosé leans over Vermouth and speaks. "The code."

"Listen to me" Rum's voice rings through everyone's earpieces and Gin smirks.


Vermouth drops Rosé off at a building and she holds her rifle. She aims and an officer drops dead. "Target D eliminated"

"Heh heh heh! Those FBI idiots are scared shitless!" Chianti smiles. "Good thinking Rosé!"

"Just as they said..."

"Think you can trap us? You must be dreaming!" Chianti sings.

"How's target C?" Rosé packs her bag and runs over to Chianti's building.

"Target M was shot. I didn't get to hit target C. Chianti, chase after him," Gin speaks into the mic. "I'll come grab Rosé,"

"Got it!" Chianti steps on the gas and chases after him. Gin's car reaches Rosé's checkpoint and they spot Camel's car.

"Gin! He gave me the slip! He's probably headed your way!" Chianti sneers.

"Affirmative. That won't be a problem," Rosé speaks. "He passed by us just now"

Vodka picks up on the speed and chases after Camel's car. "Tsk! He started speeding up... a T-junction! Shit!"

"Left, turn left!" Gin smiles.

"T-turn left?! But there's no one here?"

"Speed up" Rosé leans between the two seats.

"There he is!" Vodka gasps. "B-but why?"

"When a person is being chased, they tend to turn left. A panicked FBI fly is no exception" Gin speaks.

"That bastard's entering the tunnel to Umibotaru" Vodka speaks.

"Kir, Vermouth, he's heading toward Umibotaru! go from Chiba and block his path!" Gin orders.

"Got it!" Vermouth stops in front of the car and Kir shoots through his shoulder. He loses control of the wheel and flies off the bridge. The water splashes as Gin's Porsche and Chianti's viper stop.

"Heh, that FBI bastard sure was pathetic!" Chianti smiles.

"No, someone is giving him orders" Rosé stares at the sinking car. "I'd like to know who..."

"I feel like I've seen that guy somewhere before..." Korn speaks.

"Are you sure Korn?" Kir takes off her helmet and Rosé smirks.

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