Chapter 14 - Carignan

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Hitsuki stares at her dead fiancé. Her body trembles as she tries to level her voice. She fails in doing so and collapses onto her knees sobbing. Her wails of agony echo through the air and Rei can do nothing but try and comfort the girl. She stands up with whatever strength she has left and glares at the fleeting figure of Akai Shuichi.

"You've lost yourself Moroboshi-san" Hitsuki's vision blurs and tears fall down her face.


"Hitsuki-chan? Hitsuki-chan!" Ran yells and Hitsuki blinks. "Are you ok? You're tearing up..."

"A-ah" Hitsuki wipes her tears quickly and shakes her head. "D-don't worry about it! Sorry about that."

"Are you sure?" Ran asks and Hitsuki shakes her head.

"Yeah! Come on, sorry for ruining the mood" Hitsuki scratches her cheek and continues cleaning. Ran wipes off the shelf and stares worriedly at the girl. 

'Speaking of which, it's Hitsuki's and her fiancé's anniversary today huh?' Conan stares at the girl and continues cleaning.

"Ah sorry you guys have to help me out... the house is too big for me to clean alone" Subaru apologizes.

"No worries! I like cleaning!" Sonoko grins and Hitsuki chuckles. 

"by the way... Sera Masumi-san was it? It seems she didn't come..."

"Ah, we did invite Sera-chan as well, but..."

"It seems she's moving to another hotel so she's busy" Ran finishes. "Ah but I really want to try living in a hotel..."


"You haven't seen someone odd around that Sera-chan?" Subaru asks.

"Someone odd?"

"Like perhaps someone skilled in the ability to instantly bring down a dangerous enemy, and who's always watchful of their surrounding. Their name is Asaka but I mean that's not the name they would call themselves with, but..." 

"It's not Asaka but there is someone like that!" Sonoko pipes up. 

"Huh? There was someone like that?"

"It's you Ran! You're my exclusive SP!" Sonoko winks and Hitsuki lets out a small laugh. 

"You see... but I'm not a weird person you know..."

"Oh yes, but speaking of Asaka, the title of the newest upcoming song by musician Hado Rokumichi is Asaka!" Sonoko notes. "It seems he made the melody 17 years ago and finally came up with lyrics for it. So he's going to show it off in a live concert!"

"But that title was a little weird wasn't it?"

"What do you mean by weird?" 

"It was announced on the internet and written with the English alphabet but the KA in Asaka wasn't KA but CA." 

"Hey do you know why?!" Conan yells. "Why is it CA instead of KA?"


"There has to be a reason for that! You don't have a hunch or anything?!"

"If you wanna know so bad how about you ask him yourself?" Sonoko glares. "We'll be going to visit a rehearsal of Hado Rokumichi on the day before the live concert so we'll bring you along..."

"Maybe you'll be able to talk with him for a little bit!" Ran smiles. 


"If possible, could I tag along as well?" Subaru asks. 

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