When You Eat A Lot

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Asta POV

As Noelle explained to me in many confusing words that Y/n is currently on her "period" that comes once a month so she might act a bit weird.

"Asta~", I heard my beautiful girlfriend call in that sweet tone of hers.

"Yes my adorable Y/n. Is something wrong?"

".... I'm hungry", she said as she held her stomach.

"Okay what do you want? I'll get it for you". Without hesitation she listed everything that she craved and even though getting all of that will put a big hole in my pocket I'll still get it for her since she's my everything.

When I got back her adorable eyes sparkled out of excitement and immediately dug into the snacks.

It hasn't even been 30 minutes and she was already half way through until she stopped and looked at me.

"I'm sorry for making you get all this for me Asta and I'm sorry I'm eating like this in front of you", she muttered as she looked down in shame.

"Hey it's okay. You've seen how I eat and everyone else here so there's nothing to be ashamed of. Also.... You just look more adorable when you stuff your cheeks like that", I admitted and I chuckled as her cheeks lit up. I don't care how you eat as long as you're healthy.



"I'm hungryy~", I whined for the seventh time. The fridge was empty and I ran out of money. I'm gonna starve!!

"Y/n-chan I brought you some food", I turned around to see what angel saved me from starvation only to see Mimosa.

"Waaaa Mimosa! I thought I was done for!", I yelled hugging her. "It's no problem Y/n".

After she left I munched on the food till it was eventually gone but I'm still hungry.

"Hmph", I pouted in anger. How dare my stomach be so greedy after it just ate! I will--!

*knock knock*

"Come in"

The person who entered was none other than Yuno and a bunch of bags? Did he go shopping?

"Here. For you", he said as he dumped the contents of the bag on the table. Am I in heaven? Is he real? No I'm dreaming yes because HOW THE HELL ARE THERE SO MUCH SNACKS IN FRONT OF ME!?

"What are you waiting for? Eat"

"E-eh? But Yuno t-this is too much. I can't possibly eat all of this"

Well I can and I want to but like hell am I gonna eat like that in front of him

"You can. I bought all of this so I expect you to eat all of it. I'm your boyfriend, I know you even when you think I don't. Now eat", he said without breaking eye contact with me.

"O-okay then. Don't blame me if you don't like how I eat", I pouted as I began to eat.

As I ate I heard a chuckle coming from Yuno. I looked up to see him smiling at me.

My heart ~

"Keep eating. You need your strength like how I need you"

Luck Voltia


"Y/n - chan~ let's fight", my energetic boyfriend called out.

"Not today Luck. I'm waiting for Charmy with the food. I'm hungry"

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