Luck Voltia ( Honesty)

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I know that the Black Bulls are filled with loud and noisy people so I have no idea why the Captain actually chose me. I'm not loud or wild. I'm just a shy and quiet person like Grey except I don't stutter that much and I can look people in the eye..... just not for that long.

I love being in this squad though. Asta and Magna are always so energetic and the girls are fun to be with. Luck on the other hand makes me feel weird and not in a bad way it's just that his straightforward. If I wear something new he'll say I look cute with that smiling face of his or if I style my hair then he'll say I look beautiful.

I know 100% that I like this crazy battle lover but sometimes I feel like his messing with me. He says all those things but.... does he mean it or is he just saying that like how Asta does without thinking?

I'm currently sitting outside and just enjoying the scenery. It's nice to sit and do nothing once in a while. "Oh Y/n here you are. You look pretty when you're so relaxed"

There he goes again

"Umm Luck? I need to ask you something",i said nervously. "Okay~"

"W-Well when you compliment me like you just did, do you..... do you mean it? Or do you speak before thinking?", I said looking at him. His smile never left his face, "I mean it. Even though I speak before thinking I mean what I say because I can't hold my feeling that way", he said confusing me.

"Feeling? What do you mean?"

"I mean," he held both my hands, "that I have feelings for you. I like you". I looked into his eyes to find a hint of a lie but I couldn't. He was serious and he meant it.

I don't know what came over me as my body moved before I had the chance to think and hugged him to which he instantly hugged back with a giggle.

"Ne Ne since we're together now how about we brag to Magna?"

"Who says we're together?"

"Me! And because it was obvious that you liked me since you blush everytime"

I keep forgetting how observant he is

"So let's go~"

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