Like Father Like Son (Fuegoleon Vermillion)

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3rd person

Humming to himself while preparing breakfast he saw a sneaky hand trying to steal a cookie from the plate. Chuckling at the terrible attempt he moved the plate further away and out of reach. Looking at the pouting child he picked him up and sat him at the table to dish out breakfast. While returning with the plates Fuegoleon looked up to see his wife and daughter making their way down with sleepy eyes.

Once everyone was seated they began to eat. S/n feeding his adorable sleepy sister while their father fed their mother who was half asleep. After breakfast the girls went to wash up while the boys did the dishes.
"Hey mom, D/n! I put your clothes on the bed" S/n said when they came out of the bathroom in towels.
"Thank you S/n /big brother"

"And then he gave me a flower" the now fully awake four year old happily spoke. "You spend too much time with Nozel-sama's son" the five year old boy said through gritted teeth while brushing his sister's hair.
"He invited me and D/n over for dinner tonight. I hope we can stroll in the garden again" the bubbly wife said. "You are spending too much time with Nozel, Y/n. You can stroll with me in our garden!" the husband said with a forced smile while combing her beautiful soft hair.

Through several attempts of trying to get the girls to stay, they lost to their determination to visit Nozel and his son. The angry two decided to train before they burn the house down. "You're a bit slow s/n. How do you plan on protecting D/n in this state?" A tick mark appeared on the boy's head, "Tch. I'm going to protect her so shut up!", then blasted his father to the ground. He smirked as he looked down at his father, "Who's the slow one now? I think mom should start depending on me to protect her as well since you could not even avoid that blast" s/n mocked.

The air around them suddenly heated up as Fuegoleon was surrounded by his flames "OH, is that how you want to play?"
"Bring it on old man!"
An evil grin on both of their faces.

"Do come again"
"You too D/n. We hardly spend time alone without your brother interrupting every time"

"Mom, I do not think we should tell Dad and brother if we go to the Silva's"
"I agree. Those two are a bit too protective"
"Daddy! Big brother we're back~" They entered only to be greeted with silence.
"I wonder where they-" BOOM!!
"Let's go~Brother is training!" They went out only to see their backyard ruined.
"Oh you can do better than that my boy!" he dodged a blast. "Shut up!"

"That's enough! Both of you!" The boys froze.
"Oh no"
"This is bad"
"I'll get the bandages mommy" the little girl ran up the stairs.

"My live this is not-"
"It is! You two got mad that we left again didn't you!"
"Yes but-"
"No buts! Now sit still while I clean your wounds"

"D/n you're hurting me!" S/n while when his sister purposefully pressed hard on his wound. "That is your fault! If you would just be still and listen" she pouted. "How can I if you're not here! I wanna play with you! But you always leave to the Silva's" She pinched his cheeks, "I'm not going anywhere brother. I love you too much" she smiled brightly.
"I-I love you too" he blushed. She giggled at her brother's bashfulness and turned to find her father in the same state.

"I-I love you too my love" he buried his head in their mother's neck with a deep blush because of their mother's bright smile.

Like Father Like son
Like mother like daughter

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