Rill Boismortier ( Art)

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Rill POV

"Nngh!", I stretched as I finally woke up. The beautiful sunlight lit up the whole room. I turn to my side to cuddle in Y/n's warmth but I felt nothing. With half-lidded eyes I looked around the room to see where she was. I figured she'd be in the bathroom so I went back to sleep.


I felt someone shake me a bit and a sweet voice calling me, "Rill wake up honey". I stretched and opened my eyes to be met with those of a beautiful angel's. My beautiful wife stood there with my breakfast in her hands and a cute flower patterned apron. Her skin glowed in the sunlight and her eyes sparkled while she looked at me. A magnificent view. One that I could get used to.

"Here you go~", she kissed my cheek as I dug into her cooking. While I ate, the image of my wife's beauty kept flashing in my head till I had an idea. She needs to know how she looks through my eyes.

I got up from bed and went straight to my canvas and palette and began painting my beloved wife. It look a few minutes but I managed to finish it and make it perfect. I ran downstairs to call her.

"Rill? I need to clean", she protested.

"I'll help you but you need to see this first"

I showed her my art and she gasped as her eyes got teary. "R-Rill its amazing", she hugged me. "I wanted you to know how I see you everyday. I only see perfection", I said as I kissed her.

"You are a beautiful work of art. My muse. My wife. My everything"

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