Langris Vaude ( Sleepy)

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Langris POV

I came home exhausted. From training to fighting to patrolling. I need to rest. After I entered the house I grew a bit worried. Y/n always greets me by the door or she's already waving at the window before I enter. It was then that I looked at the time and saw how late I was.

After locking the door and making sure that no unfamiliar mana was in the area i soon found my beloved fast asleep on the couch. She must have waited for me.

I looked at her small figure as her chest moved up and down indicating her slow breathes. Her calm expression and silky pyjamas that she loves to wear. I smiled at the sight.

'She's too perfect'

I picked her up and gently set her upon our bed where she slowly began to open her eyes. She made a tiny sound and rubbed her eyes like the adorable baby she is.

"L-Langris? You're back", followed by a small yawn. "Yes my dear I'm home". I layed her back on her bed, "Get some rest I'll join you after I shower", and kissed her head.


After I put on some clean clothing I entered our room only to find Y/n trying her hardest not to fall asleep even though her eyes cannot stay open for long. I got into bed, pulled her close and threw the covers over us. She instantly snuggled against my chest while my head was on hers.

"You didnt have to wait for me Y/n. You need your rest", I kissed her forehead. "Mmm but I can't sleep without you. I'll get nightmares", she said softly. "Then I'll try not arrive so late next time", she didn't answer so when I looked I saw her sound asleep.

"Get some rest my love," I gently rubbed her belly,

"you too my son".

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