Yuno X Clumsy Reader

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While Yuno and the others are patrolling the kingdom I decided to help the maids a bit since I had nothing better to do.

But as usual it did not go smoothly. I tripped on air only to spill the bucket of water on the Captain. I broke a few glasses and plates but worst of all when Yuno returned I somehow fell face first into the ground which made my skirt go up in Yuno's direction.

This is so embarrassing

Without even looking at Yuno and the others, I ran to my room only to stuff my face in my pillow and cry.

Why do I keep messing things up?

I gave the maids more work

They won't let me help them again. Will they?

I wailed more at my thoughts. Why did Captain Vangeance even pick me for this squad? All I do is ruin things for others.

Knock knock

I didn't get up nor move. I wanted to be alone. I heard the door opened slowly and footsteps approaching.

"Y/n, look at me", I felt gentle hands take the pillow away from me to lift my chin up oy to make eye-contact with the one person I wanted to avoid, Yuno.

"Y-Yuno please g-go away", I begged as my tears came again. He cupped my cheeks and wiped away my tears with his thumbs, "As usual, you're clumsy". I tried taking his hands away from me after that but he would not budge.

"Y/n, listen to me", he said as he saw my struggle. "No! If you came here to tell me things I already know then please leave!", I couldn't help but to cry louder as it could not be held in for any longer.

It seemed like Yuno finally had enough of my cries because he kissed me. My eyes widened, only to close and melt into the kiss after a few seconds. He tilted his head to deepen it as I kissed him back.

After a few minutes we pulled away panting slightly. He put his forehead on mine as he looked into my eyes, and I could see nothing but love in them.

"It doesn't matter if you're clumsy. It just means that I need to protect you, take care of you and love you more. You accepted me, a peasant and I accepted you, a short clumsy girl who I cannot live without"

And with that we shared a sweet kiss and fell asleep under the moonlit room.

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