When You Tell Him To Give You A Nickname

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This is all in your POV


"A nickname huh?", he said as he became deep in thought. "Mmmm well I already call you a lot of names already like 'my beautiful angel'", he said with a chuckle. "But if I had to give you a new one I guess I would call you......


My queen"


"A nickname?", I nodded. He thought for awhile only to stand up and leave me alone. After a few minutes of me debating to myself if I angered him or not he came back.

"Princess. You coming or not?"

Luck Voltia 

"Mmmmmm", I asked him a few minutes ago and he has given a few names but he kept changing because as he says "I must have a name that will beat Magna's girlfriend".

"Y/n! Y/n I got one"


Yami Sukehiro

"How about I just call you brat?"

"But that's what you call everyone here"

"But you're my brat"

Nozel Silva

"Where did you get that idea from now? I swear you've been spending too much time with Noelle", he said with a sigh.

"But... My beloved suits you better"

Julius Novachrono

"Mmm let's see. How about cupcake? Sunshine? No. How about.....", as he thought about it you decided to do some of his paperwork before Marx came in.

"OH I got it! --!", "I hope you at least started on those papers Julius!"

"But Marx my star already did some of them", he pouted.

"Your star? Whose that?"

"Why Y/n of course!"

Rill Boismortier

"Waaa! I get to give you one?! Okay~"

While he thought you decided to paint something of your own. He kept his eyes on you as you paint.

"Waaa! My muse. Your painting is cute"

Langris Vaude

"I swear you've been hanging out with the Black Bulls too much", he said as he pinched his nose.

"I'm not", I pouted.

"Okay then my empress. If you say so"

William Vangeance

"Well I admit that I have been meaning to ask you if I could do that but since you've beat me to it i guess I should comply right? My angel"

Zora Ideale

"A nickname huh?"

I nodded


Fuegoleon Vermillion

"Simple. My flames could be used to protect but at the same time it could hurt others. Then you the beautiful symbol of peace and love comes along to bring happiness to others and to my heart", he held my hands as my face flushed red.

"Right, my dove?"

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