When They Failed Their Mission

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I was left alone in the Black Bulls base since everyone went on a mission while I decided to stay behind and clean.

After a few minutes of cleaning I heard the door open and heavy footsteps approaching. I went to check and saw Asta looking all depressed covered in wounds.

"Asta!", I ran towards him as I inspected his injuries. "Let's get you clean up first". He sat down with a clenched fist and an angry face.

After I treated his wounds I sat down next to him. "What happened?" I rubbed his head to calm him down. "We failed Y/n. I failed. If I was only strong enough then we would have caught every member of the eye of the midnight sun". He kept saying how he failed and how its all his fault until I pinched his cheek.

"Oww! Y/n! What was that for?", he rubbed his now red cheek. "For being an idiot! Okay fine you failed to capture them but no one was seriously injured because of you. We got more information and proof because of you. So please stop being sad. I want my happy Asta", I said cutely hoping it would cheer him up to which it did because he pecked my lips, "You're right Y/n. I'll get stronger, no, we'll all get stronger together"

"That's my Asta"


Yuno POV

This is the first time I felt like this. Like a failure. Is this how Asta felt?

I was supposed to protect the others but they only got hurt because I couldn't get to them faster. Even though Mimosa healed them, I still feel like I've gotten weaker.

I need to train harder. What if that was Y/n who got hurt?

I opened the door of the Golden Dawn and was jumped on by Y/n. I instantly held her thighs so she wouldn't fall and she wrapped her arms around my neck.

"If you can catch me before I fell and still be able to carry all my weight, then you're more than Yuno" and kissed me.

'Even though I failed, I still feel like a hero with her in my arms'

Luck Voltia 


"Yo-hoo Luck! Welcome back~" I said as my boyfriend of 9 months entered my room. I put the book I was reading aside and sat straight up to speak only for him to jump on top of me with his head on my chest.

I rubbed his head and played with his soft locks as I asked him what was wrong to which he replied, "I couldn't do anything. I failed". Luckily Captain Yami already informed me that Luck would be like this so I gently lifted his head and kissed his forehead down to his lips.

"Hmmm how about we fight?", I asked hopefully. "That won't change anything". "It won't but it will make you feel better and afterwards we can cuddle and eat all of Magna's pudding"

"Okay let's go!" and dragged me outside.

'At least his happy again'

Yami Sukehiro


"I failed. I failed", I heard my Captain and lover mumble as he walked over to me. "It will be fine Yami. Don't worry", I calmly said.

"But Y/n you do understand. I failed. It didn't come out. That damn thing went straight back up"

'I should have known'

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