William Vangeance ( Sticky notes)

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I woke up to the beautiful sounds of birds chirping and the warmth of the sun. I sat up with my exhausted body and stretched. I looked around the room and saw a plate of food and a glass of water with a sticky note attached to it.

'My Dear Wife
I hope you have rested well
I made your favourite

My heart melted at the sweet note as I dug into my delicious breakfast. When I was done I got up to bathe myself. As I entered the bathroom I saw another sticky note on the mirror.

'My Love
Hope you enjoyed your breakfast
I struggled a bit
I've bought a few things to help you relax
Take your time in the bath

I turned around to find bath bombs, bubble foam and more items to help me relax. After I got the bath water temperature just right I threw in a bath bomb and saw the beautiful colour that spreaded out. The sweet relaxing smell made me sink into the warm water and relax.

After a few wonderful minutes I got out in my fluffy towel and opened my drawers to find clothes only to find another note.

'The Love of my Life
Don't look for clothes
I took the liberty of doing it for you
Open your closet'

I opened my closet to find a beautiful floral dress but what surprised me was the matching undergarments that came with it. It was a soft and plain set that had a note attached to it.

'My everything
Wear this dress for today
I chose a soft cotton type of underwear and bra
I figured you'd be more comfortable with it
I apologize for ruining your last pair of lace undergarments
I couldn't resist'

My cheeks flushed remembering how he ripped my underwear apart during our intimate time. Once I got dressed I went downstairs only to find a note with a bouquet of red roses. I smiled at all the nice things William is doing.

'My angel
Look behind you'

I excitedly turned around to find William with a smile on his face and opened arms. I ran into it to hug him tightly which he returned. "I see you enjoyed my little notes" He chuckled. "Yes I did but you didn't have to go through so much trouble" I kissed his cheek.

"I wanted to. Now I think the two of you need to do some outdoor activities"


"Hmmm I don't know. How about we go for a stroll for now?"

"We'd like that"

I giggled as he rubbed my round 8 months tummy. I'm really lucky to have him.

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