Tasters (Yami Sukehiro)

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Yami POV

For once I can actually have a peaceful and relaxing day with my family.

No missions

No work

Just me using all my energy on being lazy



"Papa~" my two year old daughter made grabby hands up at me.

"Up we go" I picked her tiny body up. She smiled up at me with those beautiful eyes that she got from her mother.

"Papa. Taste" she pointed to the kitchen and whenever she says taste, it means Y/n is in there either cooking or baking and judging by the sweet smell coming from D/n's mouth she's probably baking.

As soon as I entered the kitchen, my wife turned around with a spoonful of cake.

"Yami, aaah~" she smiled.

I opened my mouth and tasted the sweet treat. She looked at me, waiting for me to give my opinion.

"It's good. Might want to tone it down on the sugar though"

"Haii~" she went back to mixing.

"Hmph~" I heard next to me. D/n was pouting while looking at her mother who didn't give her cake. I laughed at the familiar sight.

Y/n turned around, "What are you laughing about Yami?"

"See the look D/n is giving you now? That's the same look you used to give me whenever I took away your snacks"

"I did not have that look" she puffed out her cheeks and turned around to give D/n a biscuit. The satisfying look on her face also reminded me of Y/n when I gave her snacks back.

I placed D/n down and went to my pouting wife. I wrapped my arms around her waist, "You know I - oof!" she stuffed a freshly baked biscuit that just came out into my mouth.

"How does that one taste?" she questioned.

"Still good just yummier"

"That's good" she beamed.

I sighed, "Even when we were going out, you still made me taste all your creations and you're still doing it"

"Mama. Taste more!" D/n pointed at one of the biscuits.

"You even got D/n to be a taster"

My wife only laughed at me as she gave our baby girl another biscuit, "Yet every time I asked you to taste my stuff, you never said no. You always ate what i gave you"

"Why should I say no? I'll eat anything these hands of your make" I gently took her hands in mine and pecked them.

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