William Vangeance ( Gifts)

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"I'm finally home", i thought as I opened the door. As I entered, I felt something hard by my feet. I looked down and saw a beautifully wrapped box. I opened it and saw a black dress and a note.

'My love
I hope you like it. There were so many dresses that you would wonderful in, but if I bought it all you would have given it back.
I'll be back soon

I chuckled at the adorable note. I then made my way towards the bathroom to shower. As I entered the room I saw another wrapped box. Inside it was a hairclip. A flower hairclip. I smiled and put it with the dress as I went to shower.

After I got out and dressed I heard a knock on the door. I opened it and there was William with yet another present in his hands. "I couldn't stop myself", he said with a gentle smile. "You're spoiling me too much and you didn't have to get me all this"

"Well you're going to wear all of this tomorrow night for our date" he kissed my forehead, "I love you"

"I love you too William"

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