Asta ( Spell)

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Asta POV

Y/n joined the Black Bulls about 6 months ago. She doesn't like using her magic so much so hardly anyone besides the Captain really knows what it is.

But.... Lately I've been feeling a bit weird when I'm around her. When she looks at me my face heats up, when she smiles my heart beats faster than Luck's lightning and when she touches me, even a simple harmless touch, my skin feels like it's on fire and I get this tingling sensation.

'Was this.... her magic?'

Charmy made lunch so we were all getting ready to eat. I nearly had a heart attack when I saw Y/n sit next to me. She turned to look at me and gave that smile that makes my heart skip several beats, "Hi Asta".

This is bad

This only happens with Sister Lily

What did she do to me?

"Y/n", I started.


"Y/n", I heard Asta call.

"WHAT SPELL DID YOU PUT ME UNDER?!", he exclamed as he slammed his hands on the table.

"I - I don't know what you're talking about Asta", I honestly replied.

"Don't lie. I only feel like this when I'm around you. I don't get this tingling feeling around Charmy, Vanessa or Noelle. Only around you", he said looking me straight in the eye.

"W-What feeling?"

"I don't know"

I heard Vanessa giggle as she looked at me and Asta. "Asta? When Y/n isn't around, do you feel empty? Like something is missing?"

He nodded

"And when she is around, do you smile for no reason?"

He nodded again

"You like her", she giggled. My entire face turned crimson red.

Asta on the other hand look at her in confusion, "But I do like her, just like how I like Noelle and Charmy and you". That statement alone made my heart break.

"Mmm ok I got it. You like us as sisters but would you consider Y/n being your sister? Would you be okay with her being with someone else since you only see her as a sister?"

Without a second to waste he answered, "No! I won't be okay with that!"

"Really? Why?"

"Because....... Because I like her!", he then turned to look at me, "I like you Y/n!".

Everyone cheered and congratulated him on confessing while my face was at the verge of exploding.

"Answer him Y/n!"

"Be strong!"

I never imagined myself confessing to someone in front of others but I have no choice. His looking at me so seriously.

I played with my fingers as I looked down at my lap, "I-I like y-you too Asta".



"About time you two"

With a blushing face he held my hand under the table as Charmy prepared a bigger feast to celebrate.

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