Yami Sukehiro ( Flowers)

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Yami POV

Damn it all. How could I know what she likes? What do women like these days? The prickly princess would probably want a sword or something. Vanessa would want wine and Noelle.... would probably want that runt.


None of the guys in my squad know anything about women except........ Finral of course. How the hell did I forget about him. "Oi Finral!"

"Yes Captain Yami. Do you need to go somewhere?"

"No and yes but first I need your help"

"With what?"

"....... What the hell do I give a woman even if it's not her birthday or anything special?", I asked with hesitation.

The idiot started laughing!

"Haha I take it this is for Y/n? So you just want to give her something nice then?"

"Tch", I looked the other way.

"Seriously Captain you've been together for a few months now. You should know what she would like"

"Yeah but she's not like other women. She likes everything. If I gave her a damn sock she'll still take it with a smile like it's the best thing in the world"

"That's just how she is and it's hard finding women like her these days"

"I know that's why she's mine you dumbass"

"Uh huh okay how about flowers?"

"Flowers? She sees plenty of that every day. Why the hell do i need to buy her those. They'll die in any case"

"Yes but like you said, she'll love it. And it's from you this time so she'll be even more happy", he said with a confiden grin.

"Okay fine", I said making my way out. Now...... What type of flowers would she like?


After a long decision I finally got the damn flowers and made my way to my woman. I found her playing with some kids.

'She'll make a great mother'. The hell am I thinking? Yami stop!

She spotted me and said her goodbyes to the brats. "Yami I didn't expect to see you here. I hope I didn't take too long. I was on way back to the base. I promise". That damn innocent look on her face gets me everytime.

"I know brat but you seemed to enjoy yourself with those kids", I said pointing in the direction of the children.

"Yip~their cute. Shouldn't we be heading back?"

"Yeah but first", I pulled out the flowers that I hid behind my back and gave it to her, "I just felt like getting you something"

She took it from me and her eyes became watery. "Oi! If you don't like it I could get you something else!". She wiped her eyes and shook her head, "No I like it. It's just no one even gave me flowers before and I also feel bad for not getting you anything Yami"

'This damn woman'

"You", I grabbed her wrist and pulled her against me in an embrace, "don't need to get me anything. You already do so much. You clean after me, cook when Charmy is out and kept up with my shit for so long. You don't need to do more". I let go of her as she sniffed the flowers.

"Now. Let's go home", she smiled with closed eyes.


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