Luck Voltia (Tears Of Joy)

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Luck POV

I happily skipped my way back to the base as I hummed a tune that I just made up. I busted through the doors as usual and looked around. Something was missing.

Hmmm..... Oh!

I knocked my fist on my palm as I just realized that everyone but Y/N was here. I don't sense her.

Where could she have gone?

"Vanessa? Have you seen Y/n?"

She chugged her bottle for a few seconds before answering, "No I haven't"

I made my way to everyone's rooms as it was getting late. "Asta? Have you seen Y/n?". He stopped doing his push ups, "I haven't seen her. Hmm now that I think about it I haven't seen her the whole day"

Now I'm worried

I continued my way towards the other rooms asking the same question.


"I didn't see her. I wonder if she ate"


"No I haven't. Sorry"


"I only saw her this morning before I left but she was asleep"


"Tch. Like hell would I know"


"Haven't seen her pal and she doesn't have any missions for today"


"Last I saw she was packing her things"


I ran to her room, searched her closet and like Zora said, there's nothing. I searched her entire room to find only her bras and underwear but no clothes.

Where is she?

She can't just....disappear

No please... Not her

I don't want to be without her


This mana

I immediately zapped towards the front door and was greeted by an exhausted yet confused Y/n.

"Luck?" she tilted her head, "Are you okay? You're sweating"

I don't know what came over me but I cried as I pulled her in for a hug. She, with no hesitation hugged back.

"Luck why are you crying?"

"I was so worried", I sniffled , "I-I saw your clothes were gone a-and I thought you left".

She pulled away from the hug and dried my tears, "I took my clothes because I wanted to give them to a woman who's clothes were ripped. I didn't know her size or taste so I took everything. I would have just brought her here but since the base keeps changing and how loud everyone is, I didn't want to make her uncomfortable or creeped out"

I should have known

She wouldn't leave me

I held her again as my tears flowed, not because of what she said but because I'm happy that she's mine.

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