Luck Voltia ( Bad Luck)

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Luck POV

"Hehe let's fight some more Magna~", I said as I dodged his attacks. "I'll kill you Luck!", he kept firing more fireballs so I flew further into the woods.

The fired one big one but I managed to dodge as always till I heard someone scream. We both went towards the sound and saw Y/n sitting on the ground holding her arm. She barely dodged it so her arm was lightly bruised but it still looks bad.

Y/n has healing magic. She doesn't belong to any squad so she pops in by the Black Bulls to make sure everyone is okay. Mostly me and Magma of our fights.

"Y/n I'm so sorry! I didn't see you. This is your fault Luck!"

"My fault? You're the one that decided to go full force"

We were about to argue again till Y/n stopped us. "I'm fine you two but please come here. I know your wounds aren't that serious but I still want to heal you", she began healing the both of us.

"But your arm...", Magna began. "Oh no it'll be fine. I just need to heal you two for now", she said with a painful smile. "No wait I'll bring Charmy to make you some of her mana restoring food. Then you can heal yourself", he ran off before she could argue.

"He doesn't need to go through all that trouble just for me", sadness was all I could see in her eyes. "Why? Even if you are not part of our squad you're still our friend", she looked shocked form my words.

"But I'm a clutz. I have bad luck. You and everyone else know how clumsy I am. I get confused easily, I forget things, I trip over nothing and I easily get hurt. This is the reason why I don't want to join any squad. I'll slow them down", her eyes became watery.

"Then join the Black Bulls"

"Luck didn't you hear a single word I just--"

"I did and I don't care. The Black Bulls are full of weirdos and people with hardships, but they still smile. Join us so I can protect you", I look her straight in the eyes. Her face flushed and she started stuttering , "I-I.... a-are you sure? I m-mean I'll only s-slow you down and....", I pecked her soft lips and she shut up.

"If you are bad luck then I'll just have to protect you and bring you good luck. Also..," I brought her face closer to mine, "You'll never slow me down", and kissed her passionately. From the way she's trying to kiss back, I take it that this is her first kiss. I smirked while I dominated her lips. Her trembling body, her squeals and silent moans, all feels so good. It excites me.

"Luck! Y/n!", I heard Magna's voice from a distance. We pulled away allowing me to see her face. Red cheeks, glossy swollen lips and heavy breathes. Perfect.

Now that I've got a taste of you, I'll start craving you every day

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