Onesie (Langris)

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Requested by : Lasita0122
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3rd person POV



"Are you disobeying me?" Langris voice deepened as he glared at the frightened messenger.

"I-I am truly sorry but they said that it is very important that you have to attend-"

"My answer remains the same", he turned around, "Tell them that I have better things to do than listen to them" Langris walked off after that.

"Not now brother. I'd rather train if I were you. Besides I do not wish to do such useless things"

Finral sighed while watching his brother walk off. He refuses to do anything with anyone, unless he wants to crush or destroy them. He always says "I have better things to do" or "peasants would do that". Even when he is alone, one would think he would at least accept a stroll or invite but he declines it all unless he has a reason to go or do something. But what no one knew, was that there was one person Langris could never say no to.


"Y/n I do no-"

"For me"

'Curse her puppy eyes'
"Fine" he gave in, like always.

"Yay! I'll go change"

Apparently Y/n saw a new type of sleepwear while strolling through the markets and if it's cute she was obviously going to take it.

"AWW you look so cute" she played with his furry ears on the hood. "I believe I should be the one saying that to you" he pinched her cheeks.

Y/n bought two matching bear onesies. Now, people see Langris as a man with pride, confidence, courage and his high standards for people and objects, so if his fiancé got him sleepwear that would be embarrassing to be seen in and if it was bought from peasants he would laugh and decline?

No, he took it with a smile. How could be say no when she was acting like a child.

"Now you're extra cuddly Dear~" she hugged him.
"I cannot help but find you more adorable my cub fiancé" he pecked her nose. Her cheeks lit up as she was trying her hardest not to squeal and jump on him.

Langris was glad to know that no one would see him in that attire but it made her happy so he made to protect that smile.

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