Zora Ideale ( Distance)

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"Oh Zora. When are you coming home?", I mumbled to myself as I cleaned the dishes.

Zora and I have been in a relationship for about 2 years. He moved in with me awhile back so sometimes he stays with the Black Bulls and sometimes with me. I don't made though, I love visiting them especially to see Asta and Luck. They are fun to hang out with.

Zora travels and go on missions often so there are days I hardly see him and days where I don't see him at all. He had to go on a 2 week mission then come back only to leave again. I understand that he's doing his job and all but what about me?

Lately I've been feeling a bit neglected. Will he still love me when he gets back? I can't help but think that one day he'll come back oh to tell me that he wants to break up. I'm worried and scared.

While I was drowning in my insecurities I didn't notice that my tears were flowing. What snapped me out of it was the door that opened.

"Zora!", I ran to him out of excitement and hugged him as if he was going to disappear. "Oi why are you crying?", he wiped my tears. I shook my head, "I just missed you"

"Tch you didn't have to cry because of that and....i missed you too pipsqueak", he stroked my hair.

"Why are you here anyway? You were oy supposed to be back in 2 days?", I questioned.

"I made a deal with the Captain. If I finished the mission early then he'll give me some time off. So you have me all to yourself for a few days?"

A bright smile made its way onto my lips, "Yay!!". He ruffled my hair, "You act more and more like a kid". I pouted, "I'm not a kid"

"Sure you are"


We snuggled under the blankets as he told me about his mission.

"Seriously? You have no idea what I'm taking about?", I shook my head, no.

"Didn't you get any of my letters?", I titled my head in confusion.

"What letters?"

"I sent a letter every day I went out on a mission. That damn birds. I'll kill them", he clenched his fists.

"So you didn't forget about me?"

"Huh? How the hell can I forget about you idiot. You're my girlfriend!", he flicked my forehead. "It doesn't matter if you're far or nearby, I'll still think of you. I wouldnt have confessed and spend 2 years with you if I wasn't serious about you. Also after this, I'll make sure that you get all my letters so you won't feel like that again"

I teared up again as I smashed my lips against his. He froze for a moment till he kissed back. He gripped my hair and pulled me closer.

After a few minutes we pulled away, "I needed that after so long", he said as he pecked me again.

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