Happy Place (Langris)

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I heard the door slam shut and loud footsteps approaching. Langris came in mumbling angrily to himself as he took off his cape.

'Should I ask?'

'No he'll get mad'

'But maybe...'

I took slow steps towards him as his back was facing me while he kept mumbling and gently wrapped my arms around his waist. He tensed at first but instantly relaxed as he placed his hands over mine.

"Bad day?" I asked as Iayed my head on his back.

"Mmm that damn peasant boy. How is he that strong. He's pathetic, he can't use magic but... he can surpass me so easily" he said the last part softly. "Tch it does not matter. I will get stronger. Peasants like him are useless. He'll fail sson enough and -!" he turned around and looked at me as he remembered the words that just left his mouth. I looked at him with a weak smile "I-I'm sorry for being a peasant with no magic" I cried. We've been together for four months now but not once has he ever complained or insulted me on being a peasant.

"N-No Y/N you know I didn't mean that!" he hugged me, my head on his chest and his hands wrapped tightly on my waist. "My anger got the best of me. I apologize. It's just... I've worked so hard to get where I am now and -"

"It's okay. I understand" I hugged him back.

"No it's not. I made you cry. I-!" I pecked his cheek.

"Tell you what, if we cuddle then I'll forgive you" I said with a bright smile.
He smiled back with a light blush "Who am I to refuse such a request"

We cuddled for about an hour till I decided to ask him something that I kept forgetting about.

"Hey Langris" my fingers gently played with his soft hair as he hummed in response with his head on my chest. "I was wondering why you never get mad at me"

He looked at me confused as I continued "I mean you get angry and mad at everyone but never at me. I know there are times I'm in a mood and sometimes annoying but you never get mad"

He sighed and layed on his side to face me. "Y/n, what do I do when I get mad?" I thought about it for a minute "You come here and cuddle me"

"Correct. Now am I still angry after cuddling you?"

"... No you always look happy after that"

"Exactly and you know why?" I shook my head. He pulled me closer to him as he snuggled his head in my neck.

"Because...... you're my happy place. Why would I want to ruin something that makes me so happy"

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