Yami Sukehiro ( Bath)

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After a very hard and stressful afternoon, I finally returned back to the base only to find Vanessa asleep on the couch with a drunk smile on her face and a few bottles around her. I giggled lightly at the sight and went to my room.

I sat on the bed and contemplated on whether I should sleep or take a bath first. Whenever I take a bath Luck always peeks his head in, giving me the shock of my life and since no one else but Vanessa is here I could finally relax in a nice warm bubble bath without any interruptions.

After stripping off my clothing I excitedly hopped into the bath. The warm water already relaxing and soothing my aching muscles. I leaned back and closed my eyes. It's been so long since I had my alone time. While I was relaxing I heard the door open and close.

"Vanessa is that you?", I asked with closed eyes. My only response was the sound of something being thrown on the floor and a belt being unbuckled. I opened my eyes and instantly regretted my decision as I was greeted by a half naked Yami with nothing but his.... never mind now he's naked. I covered my flushed face with my hands fighting the urge to peep. I felt my cheeks and ears het hotter as I felt him enter the bath and sat down right in front of me.

"Oi, why are you hiding your face? We're saving water after all". I felt him move closer as he pulled my hands off to reveal my red face. He snickered, "Never thought I'd see the day you turn into a tomato". I felt embarrassed and brought my knees to my chest.

His laughter died down as he saw my tears begging to fall. He grabbed my face with both hands and pecked my forehead then lips. "Tch. There's no need to be embarrassed pipsqueak". He pulled me towards him till I was on his lap straddling him. "Are you still mad at me?", he put his forehead on mine, "I sent you on a mission when I knew your body was sore". He held me in a hug and I placed my head on his shoulder. "I-It's fine. Everyone else was busy so you had no one else to send". Yami pulled away so he could look at me, "Your body is aching because of me. I went too rough on you last night", he patted my head as his eyes softened.

"How about I spoil you today?"

"Huh?", I looked at his with confusion and curiosity.

"We'll relax in here for awhile then I'll wash you, dry and dress you. Charmy came in when I did so I'll feed you whatever she whipped up. Then I'll massage all those aching muscles of yours and then we'll cuddle and sleep. How does that sound?"

I looked into his eyes that awaited an answer while he slowly traced circles on my thighs.

" It sounds perfect"

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