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Life is tiring when you’re not going on adventures with an alien. I spent most of time reading, when the master wasn’t interrogating me. I had gone through many books, some good ones and some completely horrible ones. I suppose not all books are great. Especially when the master gives them to you.

“Knock, knock!” The master called, walking into my room and snapping me out of my thoughts.

“Hello” I muttered darkly.

“Oh, don’t be so rude! Have you finished your book?”

I picked up the lord of the rings, and looked at the front cover before replying. “Yes.”

“I’ll just take that then, and give you the next one soon!” The master said in a sickly sweet voice, grabbing the book. “How are you today?”

“Can we just skip the small talk?” I asked.

“I’ve never seen someone so eager to be interrogated. But whatever you want, amber”

He sat down on a chair at the end of the bed, and looked at me, pressing his hands together under his chin. “Where is the doctor?”

“He was on the moon the last time I saw him, before you captured me” I answered.

“You haven’t had any dreams about him?”

Truthfully, I had, but I didn’t want the master to know where he was or what he was doing.

“No” I replied bluntly.

“That’s a shame. Goodnight amber.” The master said, before sauntering out of the room, and closing the door behind him. I heard the lock click, and whistling that got quieter as he walked away.

I lied down on my bed, sighing to myself. I hope the doctor comes soon.


The doctor was looking sadly at a young girl with brown hair and brown eyes. She looked sad as well.


“It all just disappears, doesn’t it? Everything you are, gone in a moment, like breath on a mirror. Any moment now… He’s a-comin’.


The girl looked at the doctor. “Who’s coming?”


“The doctor” he said.

“You. You are the doctor.” She said, determination showing on her face.


“Yep, and I always will be,” the doctors hand started glowing as he said those words. “But times change, and so must I” He paused and looked around the TARDIS. “Amelia!”


The girl with the brown eyes looked at him, confusion written across her face. “Who’s Amelia?”

A new beginning (A doctor who fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now