
19 0 0

I packed the last book that the master had been so kind to lend me into my bag. I slung my bag over my shoulder, and looked at the room. I did not expect to leave this room ever, but here I was. Life could be unexpected, sometimes.

I opened the door that had stopped me from being free for so long. The master was waiting outside; he had said there was something for me.

“Hello” I said cheerily.

The master nodded his head as a hello and pulled a package from behind his back. “This is for you”

“Thanks. And thanks for, you know, not killing me. You’re not as bad as I thought you might be.” I smiled at him.

He smiled back, before leading me towards a door, and opening it.

“Have fun with the rest of your life Amber” He muttered.

“Goodbye master!” I said, and walked out the door, and into the sunlight.

It was bright, but that was just because it had been so long since I saw sunlight. I didn’t know where I was, only that it was in the middle of nowhere, and it was hot, so hot.

I opened the package in my hand, and pulled out a letter.



Sorry about interrogating you, and being so rude. I’ve realised my mistake. In repayment, I’ve given you back your phone- it’s in the package- and I’ve given you my vortex manipulator so you can get around easily.


I’m sorry about the doctor, he really did care for you, I think. If you ever need some company, I’ve added my number to the contact list on your phone.




I smiled at the small letter, and reached into the bag again. Out came my phone, and then a vortex manipulator. I unlocked my phone, and called the doctor. He would pick me up, and everything would be back to normal.

The phone rang once, twice, and then it picked up. Silence, then a Scottish voice rang through the speaker- “Hello?”

“Doctor?” I asked timidly

“Who is this?” was how he replied. Even though he didn’t answer my question, somehow I knew it was the doctor.

“I- I’m Amber Green, do you remember me?” I replied, my voice not higher than a whisper.

Silence. All I could hear was the faint crackling noise of static.

“Erm… Yes I do. But Amber is dead.”

“No, I’m Amber” I spoke a little louder this time.

“Look, I don’t know who you are, but this is not a funny joke.”

“Trace backs my co-ordinates. Find me doctor, you’ll realise I’m not dead”

The crackly silence filled the line again, and I heard the phone being put onto the TARDIS console. There was some muttering, and then some noises, before the TARDIS materialised in front of me. The doors sprang open, and there stood an old, tired man. He wasn’t the doctor I knew, but he was still the doctor.

“Amber!” He exclaimed, before running down to hug me.

“Hello!” I said, hugging the doctor back.

We hugged, smiling, until we heard a voice from inside the TARDIS.

“I thought you weren’t the hugging type, doctor?” Clara said, smiling slightly.

The doctor let me go, and turned to Clara. “But, this is the Amber Green!”

I waved my hand awkwardly, and Clara smiled at me.

“It’s nice to see you again, Amber,” she said.

“You too!” I replied.

We all walked back into the TARDIS, and I shut the doors behind me. It looked exactly the same. I missed the TARDIS so much, and from the purring noise it was making, I think it missed me as well.

The doctor was watching me from the other side of the console, and when I caught his eye, he opened his mouth to speak. “You have some explaining to do, Miss Amber”

I laughed for the first time in what seemed like months. “So do you, Mr ‘Amber Green is dead’”

We bickered slightly until Clara walked in. “Ladies, ladies. We all know you both have some explaining to do, and bickering isn’t going to sort it out. So how about I make some tea, and we can all explain?”

The doctor and I nodded, and we all walked to the kitchen.

Finally, everything was perfect.

Well this was a fun story to write, I enjoyed writing it for you guys (and myself). I don’t know if I’ll do a sequel.


Haha, I'm only messing with you guys. I’m still sticking around to write this story for at least a few more chapters. I don’t have wifi at the moment, so I’ll probably write a few chapters, if not all, and upload them during the week. I’m writing a new story at the moment, so after I finish my current ones, I’ll start to upload my new story, or write a sequel… If you guys want?


Sorry about not uploading in a while, life has been… difficult. I don’t want to explain, but some stuff has happened. Everything is good now.



Update: I've written three more chapters so i'll post them now ^_^

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