Her last goodbye

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I sat with my head in my hands, kneeling down. I couldn't believe this. Rory, my Rory, was dead. I heard the doctor sit down next to me, he was probably sick of me, I had been crying for a while. John muttered something inaudible and I heard him and sherlock go back towards the TARDIS, they understood I needed to be alone.

I sat up straight and looked at the doctor. "He'll come back, won't he doctor? He can back all those other times, so why not now?" I asked, my voice shaking.

The doctor shook his head slowly. "No, I'm so sorry Amy. He's gone." He replied, avoiding my eyes.

Finally he looked up at me, his eyes dull and tears were streaked down his face. "Come on Amy. We should go." He said, pulling me up.

We walked in silence until I had a great idea. I grabbed a box of matches from my pocket and ran towards the nearest clump of trees. I heard the doctor run after me, and he grabbed my hand, to stop me lighting the match. "Why?" He asked, staring at me

"They killed Rory, so I'm going to kill them" I replied, wrenching my hand out of the doctor's grasp.

I lit a match and threw it at a tree. The tree light up and blazed brighter than anything I had seen before. I felt the doctor's arm pull me along, back to the TARDIS, and only when the door's were shut, did I stop staring at the inferno.

"Can we go home?" John asked, coming out from around a corner.

The doctor nodded his head and flew them back to Baker Street. We said our goodbyes before the doctor turned to me. "Where do you want to go?" He asked, a playful grin playing on his lips.

I paused, thinking about it. I had the while universe, yet I just wanted to... Sleep.

"Can I get some rest first doctor?" I asked, standing up.

"Yeah, sure, good idea." The doctor replied.

I went back to my room and slipped into bed. I was really tired, and I just wanted to get rid of the feeling of grief. I closed my eyes and when I opened them next, I was in a dark room. I saw a light and I ran towards it, only to see the doctor regenerating. I turned around to see another light, and I ran towards that one. Rory was being shot, again and again and again. Once more, there was a bright light and I ran towards it, wanting to escape all the death. River song was weeping as a man put a gum to her head. The man pulled the trigger, and river slumped over. I shut my eyes and opened them again, and again, I saw river being shot. I turned around, and saw a man staring at me.

"The light at the end of the tunnel is not always good" he said, before flickering and disappearing.

A bright light filled my eyes and I sat up in my bed. "It's just a nightmare" I said to myself, before going downstairs, and into the console room.

The doctor stared at me, smiling slightly. "Where to next?" He asked, his smile playing on his lips.

"Can... Can I see him again?" I asked timidly.

The doctor looked at me, and smiled suddenly "yes, of course. Just don't mess with anything. Bad things can happen from that" he said.

He ran around the console, pressing buttons and flicking switches. He stopped and the TARDIS set off. When he next opened the doors, Rory was sitting on the edge of a bed, staring at a picture of me. "I miss you Amy" he whispered, kissing the picture. The doctor looked at me and closed the doors. "Ok, that's enough" he said, smiling at me sadly.

We sat down in the console room, just sitting, doing nothing. The doctor stood up after a while of just sitting, and smiled at me. " I'm going to bed" he said, going up the staircase and into his room.

I sat there, ignoring everything, trying to imagine Rory sitting there with me. I stood up suddenly and ran towards a room that the doctor had tried so hard to hide. I opened the door and grabbed what I was looking for, before following the twisting journey back to my room.

I opened the door and walked inside, looking around. I opened the bag and grabbed the object out.

I put the gun to my head and pulled the trigger.

Everything went black


Sometimes you just have to Moffatt your way through a story.


Yes there will be more to come, just from someone else's perspective.


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