A wish upon a star

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The character at the top of this chapter is Amber - Tameeka x


I heard a gun go off and I jumped out of bed. It must have been nothing, Amy didn't know where my gun store was and I locked the TARDIS doors before I went to bed. I lied back down, my mind already full of where I was going to take Amy tomorrow, and I fell asleep.

The next morning, I got out of bed excitedly and ran to get dressed. I was going to take Amy to planet 763. There were trees made from chocolate, and the people were very nice. I ran to the kitchen, but Amy wasn't awake yet. Usually amy was awake before me. I decided to wake her up because I couldn't wait for the day ahead.

I ran along the hallway and pushed open the door of her room. "Amelia Pon-" I started, but I was cut short when my eyes fell on her. She was slumped on the floor, her hand over a gun. Blood was seeping around her head, dampening her flaming red hair. I gasped and stared at her, shocked at what she had done.

I kicked the wall beside me and instantly regretted it as pain laced up my leg. Tears poured from my eyes as I looked at her. Amelia pond, my Amelia pond, was dead. All because of me and my stupid decisions. I didn't need to go investigate. I could have just left, but no, stupid me decided to investigate and endanger the lives of my companions. "Stupid" I said to myself, and I kept saying it as I ran from the room and into the only place that comforted me- the library. I loved reading.

I ran my hand along the spines of the books, before I found the one I was looking for. It was a scrapbook that I had made to document Amy's time in the TARDIS. I opened the book delicately and my eyes fell on the first picture of Amy. She was at her wedding, laughing delightedly at the camera. I kept turning the pages, looking at each picture and the comments as I went. After a while, I came to the last page. Amy and Rory were smiling at the camera, each holding a black box. I laughed to myself as I looked at them both. They were such a joy to be around, but now they were gone.

I stood up and put the book back on the shelf. Amy couldn't lie there forever, she needed a proper burial. I walked silently back to the console room and started flying the TARDIS. I wanted to bury her on a star called Amelia.

The TARDIS materialised on the star and I opened the doors. Finally, I had gone to where I wanted to go.

I went back to Amy's room and gently put Amelia on a bed with wheels. I moved he out of the TARDIS and found a perfect spot. There was red soil with sunflowers growing around it. I dug a deep grave and gently lay Amelia in it, before filling in the grave.

I sat down by her grave and looked at the surrounding stars and planets. I frowned slightly, I was alone again.

"Oh Amelia Pond. Why did you do this?" I asked, talking to myself and her in the grave. "How I will miss you Amy. You, and me, travelling the stars. That was fun wasn't it?" I paused, thinking of all the adventures we had.
"Oh Amelia, I wish I wasn't lonely" I said, looking up at the sky.

All of a sudden, a star close to me started shaking and a white light beamed from the star. I closed me eyes from the brightness, and when I had opened them, a young girl with flaming red hair and thick rimmed glasses stared at me curiously.

"Who are you?" I asked.

"Amber Green, and I may ask the same for you"


Sorry for not adding clara. I'll add her somehow. I just thought because Amy and Rory dies differently, then there should be a differs companion.

I'm dedicating this chapter to @just_a_fangirl1001 because she's awesome!

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