Chapter 4- Vashta Nerada

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"Are you sure you don't want to come with us?" The doctor asked, writing something on a piece of paper.

"No, we can't. We have a life out there, sorry doctor" john replied.

The doctor frowned slightly "it travels in time as well as space, you know?"

"That's very tempting. I'll ask sherlock" john walked down the corridor to sherlock's room. Sherlock had been sulking in it for the past few days when we showed john the solar system. Now we were in the main room of their house.

John came back out and nodded his head slightly. "Sherlock says yes, as long as it's not the solar system again"

I laughed quietly and watched the doctor run around the console room. He flicked one last switch and the familiar noise of the TARDIS dematerialising surrounded us.

"I'm going to go get Rory" I said, walking up the stairs.

Inside the room, Rory was sitting on the bed, playing a game on his phone. "Come on, we're off to have an adventure. Sherlock and john are staying"

We walked back into the console room to see sherlock and john sitting on the floor. Sherlock looked like he was trying to figure out this unlikely ship. The doctor smiled goofily upon seeing us and opened the door to a beautiful planet that looked mostly like earth, except for the multitude of planets surrounding us. "Planet Snabulis. It's the middle of galaxy 42." The doctor said, ushering us outside. "The people here are wonderful, really nice"

He pulled out his sonic screwdriver and scanned the air. "That's... Unusual" he said, double checking it.

"What is it?" Rory asked

"There's supposed to be over a billion life forms, but I don't see any."

"Could they just be in other parts?" I asked

"No, the other parts are uninhabitable, full of trees...." The doctor faded off before smacking his head. "Oh! I've been so stupid. Get back inside the TARDIS. don't get anywhere near an object or a person with 2 or more shadows." He looked back at us, "GO! Now!"

We all walked back inside the TARDIS and the doors shut and locked. I pulled down the scanner to see the doctor sonicing the TARDIS. I ran to the doors and tried to open them, but they wouldn't budge.

"He locked them?" Rory asked.

"Yeah" I replied.

John walked up to us and looked at the lock. "Do you have a hair pin?" He asked, holding out his hand.

I nodded and gave it to him. He bent down and tried to unlock it. "It doesn't work."

We sat in silence before sherlock spoke up for the first time since the angels "isn't it obvious, he opened the door from the console before, so there must be a button"

I stood up and searched around the TARDIS, trying to find the open button. Half way around, I found it. A big red button reading 'Open'

I pressed it and the doors opened. "Come on!" I half shouted, running out the door, to catch up with the doctor.

We found him scanning a shadowy place. We all stayed quiet until he spoke up. "I know you've come for me. Why is it when I tell you to do something, you don't do it? This could kill you all, this is worse than a dalek, or a weeping angel. So tell me, WHY DON'T YOU FOLLOW INSTRUCTIONS?!" He spun around to us, "when this is over, I'm taking you all back. I have companions that follow instructions, okay?"

"We just wanted to help" I offered, frowning slightly.

"Well I don't need help"

He turned back and continued to scan the spot. "Vashta nerada. Piranhas of the air." He said softly before adding "don't step into any shadow."

Just as he said that, A small gasp echoed around us. I turned to see Rory's eyes widen and my eyes travelled, down to the shadow he was in. He screamed and I watched his skin peel off,like it was being eaten, until he was only a pile of bones and clothes. I collapsed on the floor and started weeping, i could feel the doctor soothing me, but I didn't care. I only wanted Rory Back.

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