Impossible and a bit unlikely

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Amber POV

"Oh bollocks" I said, instantly recognising the cyberman's voice. There were a few perks of dreaming about the doctor.

The doctor looked at me, before turning to face the cyberman. I turned also, and I saw something I didn't want to see. The cyberman had a woman who was being held in their arms. Poor girl.

"Let her go" the doctor said, glaring furiously at the cyberman

The cyberman ignored the doctor and stepped closer to me instead. I took a step backwards, and the doctor stepped in front of me and held his sonic out, buzzing it at the cyberman. It fell to the ground, and the doctor pointed it at the cyberman holding the girl.

"I've just disabled it for a while, I suggest we run" the doctor said, grabbing both of our hands.

The girl snapped out of her daze and ran with us, and into the TARDIS. I shut the door and the doctor started the TARDIS.

"Wow." The girl stated "it's smaller on the outside"

The doctor nodded his head and looked towards the girl. "I'm the doctor, and this is Amber. Who are you?"

"I'm clara. Clara oswin oswald"

The doctor looked shocked. I could understand why, I remembered dreaming about Oswin. She sounded just like her too. But she couldn't be, Oswin died?

"Do you have anywhere to go Clara?" The doctor asked.

"Erm, no. I've been captive to those monsters ever since my parents died" she replied softly.

"Would you like to stay with us then?"

"Could i?"

"We'd love it" i butted in. This girl seemed awfully nice.

The doctor looked at clara curiously and then did his TARDIS-driving stuff. Clara and I were still standing there, when the TARDIS started shaking violently. We were thrown to one side of it, and I grabbed the railing. I looked over to see clara on the other side of the TARDIS, holding onto the railing as well. The TARDIS kept shaking violently, and it was making these high pitched squeaking noises.

"DOCTOR! What's happening?!" I screamed.

"I don't know! Why do you expect me to know?" He replied.

"Well maybe because YOU'RE THE FLIER OF THE TARDIS!"

"I don't know everything about it!"

I was about to reply, when the TARDIS gave a violent jolt, and I lost my grip on the railing. I slid through one of the gaps, and down a corridor. I kept sliding, when my head hit a wall and I blacked out.


I awoke in a corridor. It had pipes strewn across the floor, and above me, there was a pointy metal object above me. This was going to be hard to get out of.

I slid out and stood up, looking to my right. I was alone. Great.

But then I looked to the left and I realised that I wasn't alone. There was this fiery-red monster coming at me.

I groaned and readjusted my glasses. I turned to my right and there was another one of them.

"What are you? I'm still in the TARDIS, so you were being hidden by the doctor weren't you? Well let me tell you that your slow walking isn't going to scare me, and even though I've travelled with the doctor for only a week, I've been dreaming about his life. And I know about all sorts of monsters. So I know to always be prepared." I started, I was rambling, like I always did.

I took my two knives out of my pocket and spun them, before stabbing the monsters in the chest. I ripped the knives out.

"Adios Amigos" I said, before running past the one on the left.

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