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I kept running until I was out of breathe, and then I walked extremely fast. I might have dreamt about the TARDIS, but I still didn't know where everything was. I could be lost in this infinite maze forever.

I kept seeing those horrible fire-monsters. I left trails of them lying around, hoping that someone would see the trail and come find me. But no one did. I was alone, tired and hungry. I just wanted to get back to my room.

I kept walking, with my eyes half shut in tiredness. I had to keep walking, otherwise those fire monsters would find me. But I just couldn't. I kept walking, even though the room spun, until I became too dizzy. I slumped on the ground and tried to get back up, but a set of claws came lashing out at me. I screamed, as the claw cut my stomach, leaving deep red gashes on my skin. I held my stomach in pain and fell into an unbearable painful daze, my eyes squeezed shut in pain. After a while, I heard the soft pitter-patter of footsteps. I tried to move away, but I was in too much pain, and it hurt to do anything. I lay there until a figure knelt next to me and brushed my hair back.

"It's okay, it's only me" the doctor whispered, before picking me up gently and carrying me somewhere.

His footsteps and the rocking of his walking slowly sent me into a deep sleep. When I awoke, I was lying in an old bed, with blankets tucked over me. I felt stiff, and I still couldn't move without my stomach hurting. But as I ran my hand over it, it felt stitched up. At least I wasn't going to die of blood loss.

I stared at the wall for what seemed like forever. I couldn't sleep, and I tried everything. I tried to count sheep, and tell myself stories, but nothing worked.

So I just kept lying there. It felt like I would lie there forever. And when I was accepting that fate, the door opened and the doctor walked in.

"Are you okay?" He asked.

"I'm fine" I replied curtly, I was annoyed that he just left me here.

He nodded his head and walked out of the room, leaving me to lay there for the rest of eternity, or something like that.

I ended up telling myself a story. It was a stupid one that I had heard so many times, but I liked it.

It was about a man who was an alien. He lived on a beautiful planet and he was just like everyone else on that planet. One day, he had to look into this thing called a time vortex, and he went crazy. He heard a drum beat in his head.

He decided to become evil, and he tried to take over the earth. But his friend saved the day, and nearly died doing it. His friend was brave.

I always looked up to his friend. He was my inspiration, and I wanted to be just like him. When my parents told me the story of this man, I looked forward to hearing about his friend.

And as I was lying in that old room, I remembered the name of the main character. His name was the master.

That name seemed so familiar

A new beginning (A doctor who fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now