I wish it wasn't real

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The master stared at me, biting the side of his lip, obviously deep in thought.

"The doctor won't be able to hear you from here, Amber, and soon, he won't be able to hear you at all" he said maliciously.

He grabbed my arm and pressed a button on an object attached to his arm.

"Hold on tight" the master whispered, before we were pulled through something, and into a large, extravagant room.

"The vortex manipulator, a wonderful device, don't you think?" He laughed, running his hand across a counter.

"Where am I?" I replied.

"You're on earth"

"Where on earth?" I asked again, impatiently

"Now, now, that would ruin the surprise, wouldn't it?"

I shut up and stood on the spot, surveying my surroundings. It was a large room, painted white. There was a small bed in the corner, a cushioned chair, a bookcase, and a Kitchen in the other corner of the room. There was also a door, leading into a. Small bathroom. It was like a small flat.

"Why am I here?" I asked

"I need information. You haven't been with the doctor for very long, but I suppose that you're the best that we have. The doctor is the last Timelord, other than me, and we don't really like each other. So, I'm trying to destroy him, and he's trying to make me be 'apart of the team'" the master looked disgusted whenever he mentioned the doctor.

I rolled my eyes at him. He was acting like a small, jealous child.

"You're going to be staying here for as long as I need you. I'll visit to get information, replenish your food, and tend to any wounds you acquire." The master continued, before walking to the door and opening it.

"What will you do when you're done with me?" I asked, fear lacing through my voice.

"I suppose I'll kill you" he replied.

The master walked out the door, and as he was about to shut it I screamed, "he'll find me, you know! I won't be here for long!"

He looked at me from the gap in the door. "No, I don't think he will"

A new beginning (A doctor who fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now