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"This is so boring!" I exclaimed, shaking the cell bars.

"Don't worry Amber, we'll get out soon." The doctor replied soothingly.

I scoffed at him; we wouldn't get out of the cells. We didn't have a sonic screwdriver and there was a guard on the outside door. If we could get out, we would have gone a week ago when we first appeared here.

I slumped down against the wall of the cell, huffing in defeat. I just wanted to get out of this stupid cell. The tension was unbearable, what was the master going to do to us?

The door squeaked open and I watched a figure enter the room. The figure raised his head and I recognised him finally- it was the master. He walked slowly to the middle of our three cells and eyed us all, one by one.

"Clara, you're coming with me." He stated.

The master unlocked the door, and pulled Clara out of the cell. He marched her out of the door.

"What is he going to do with her?" I asked.

"I don't know." The doctor replied.

Everything was silent for a while, only the sound of our breathing filling the cell room. I was sure I could hear whimpering once, but when I asked the doctor, he said he didn't.

A scream pierced through the air and I shot up, shaking the cell bars in an attempt to open them.

"LET ME OUT! Clara? CLARA!!!!" I shouted, shaking the bars once more.

"CLARA!!" the doctor screamed as well.

When I was sure I couldn't get out of the cell, I slumped against the bars. I put my head in my hands and started to cry. I was sick of this mess that I had gotten everyone into. My family were dead and I was going to die in a small, disgusting cell.

There was another scream, but this time I didn't join in the doctors attempts to distract whoever was hurting Clara. I knew we couldn't save her. I had given up and accepted my fate. I was going to die soon by the hands of a torturer, and all of my friends would as well.

I heard the doctor fall against the wall of the cell, followed by a small shout of annoyance from him. The doctor wasn't one to give up on anything, but here he was, giving up on getting out of this mess. I knew there was no hope for us.

Everything was quiet as I tossed and turned on the small camp bed in the corner of the cell. No matter what I did, I couldn't get the screams of Clara from replaying in my head.  I heard the doctor talking to himself under his breath, probably trying to figure out how to save the day once again.

Somehow, after what seemed like forever, I fell asleep.

Fear and pain laced through my thoughts. I was running as fast as I could. As far as I was running, the light was only getting smaller and smaller. I pushed myself further, and ran as fast as I could, breathing heavily at the lack of oxygen in the tunnel.

A new beginning (A doctor who fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now