We're all stories in the end.

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The doctor came into my room a while after, and helped me into the console room. I sat on the floor for a long time, lost in my never-ending thoughts.

After a while, I looked up to see the doctor walking through the room. That was when I decided to ask him if he knew about the master, and if the story was real.

"Doctor?" I asked softly.

"Yes Amber?" He replied.

"I was wondering if you knew about the master?"

His head shot up and he looked at me for a long time, confusion on his face. "How do you know about the master?"

"My parents used to tell me a story about him"

The doctor nodded his head slowly. "Well, the master is dead now. He used to be my friend, until he turned crazy"

I nodded my head and went back to thinking. I sat in the same position, now moving, just listening to myself and the noises around me, until the doctor entered the room again.

"Would you like to go anywhere" he asked, his hand balanced above the console.

I thought about where I wanted to go, before saying, "can we go to the moon?"

"Ah, ok. The boring old moon. We could have a picnic!" He laughed, running around the console.

His happiness infected me, and I was soon on my feet and laughing with him. Soon, the TARDIS stopped flying there, and we ran onto the moon. I could see earth from where I was, and I just sat down, and looked around me.

The doctor joined me, and we both sat there. I imagined all those people on the earth, not realising how much was out there. Aliens, monsters, time travellers. It was like a whole new universe.

The doctor stood up. "I'm going to get some food, so we can have a picnic" he announced, before bounding off to the TARDIS.

I kept sitting there, until someone appeared out of thin air, and stumbled a few steps. They stood up, and brushed off their suit.

"Doctor!" I called, hoping he would come soon. This guy looked crazy

"Shhh... Don't call for him. I believe you're Amber, right? I'm the master... I've been looking for you"

A new beginning (A doctor who fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now