Chapter 3- Holmes and The doctor

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Amy's POV

I sat up and moved closer to see the book. Yep, it was definitely Sherlock Holmes. I looked over to Rory, who was reading a newspaper.

"What are you reading doctor?" I asked, just to triple check.

"Erm, Sherlock Holmes" he replied, not taking his eyes off the book.

I say back down and shook my head slightly. What was going to happen this time?

A tall man approached us and asked the doctor "did you say Sherlock Holmes?" His voice was really deep.

"Yeah, why?" I answered for the doctor, he was still reading the book.

"Well, I'm Sherlock Holmes."

"Oh, come off it!" I laughed, but I was slightly worried.

The doctor looked up from his book and grabbed his sonic screwdriver. He scanned the man and looked at the results. "Yep, definitely Sherlock Holmes." He said, looking excited and cheerful "Why are you here, Mr Holmes?"

"Mycroft sent me here, my partner, john-" he said pointing towards a man with scruffy blond hair "- calls it the case of the invisible babies" sherlock answered.

"Why does he call it that?" Rory joined in, looking thoughtfully at sherlock.

"Well, people are going missing and every time we go to find them, we hear laughing babies. I told john that it was probably from next door, or a trick of the mind. You can't have invisible, laughing babies, can you?"

"No... No you can't Sherlock. Could we join you on your next case? We're just on holidays but we're from Scotland Yard" The doctor said, showing sherlock his psychic paper.

"We'll have enough trouble without-" sherlock began, before blond haired man from before- John watson butted in "he means yes."

We all stood up and followed Sherlock and John to wherever they were going. The doctor walked next to sherlock, talking about sciencey stuff. At one point I heard the doctor exclaim "You deleted the solar system from your mind?!"

After a while, we came across an old, building. The windows were all dusty and you couldn't see inside. We walked inside the building and went up an old, creaking elevator. On the second floor, sherlock started looking frantically for a certain door. He came across one, with the number 349. The door was locked, so I came forward and unlocked it with a hairpin. As we walked inside, I was sure I saw a flash of a stone statue outside.

"Mr Williams went missing from this room a few days ago. He and his wife had been kicked our of their homes, so they decided to stay here. Any ideas, doctor?" Sherlock said, a small smile on his face.

The doctor walked forward and soniced the bed. He ran his fingers over the nightstand and knelt down to look at the floor. "There's no sign of a struggle, nor any signs that he just got up and walked away, it's like he just disappeared." The doctor said. I knew he knew more, but he was just showing off.

"Exactly doctor. Except-" sherlock started.

"Except, he couldn't have just disappeared. Mr Holmes, I believe you're on a case that you can't solve." I finished, not letting them have their little battle of the brains.

"And why can't I solve it?"

"Because, you're dealing with weeping angels" the doctor said, walking towards the door and peering through the keyhole.

"What are the weeping angels?" Sherlock asked, sounding slightly worried.

"The weeping angels are stone statues. Well, while you look at them. But as soon as you turn your back, they turn into killing machines. Don't blink" The doctor said, before pushing open the door. Outside, stood about 10 weeping angels, their faces pulled into growls. We went out the door, not taking our eyes off them. We backed down the hallway until the doctor shouted "Run!" And we were off running down the staircase and out into the warm afternoon air. We kept running, until we came across the TARDIS. The doctor grabbed his key and unlocked it.

"We can't all fit in that" sherlock scoffed.

The doctor just ignored him, walking inside. We all followed him, including sherlock and john.

Inside, john looked around and his eyes widened. Sherlock tried to hide his amazement, but he failed.

"It's your turn amy" Rory said, smiling and walking up the staircase.

I groaned, and turned around to sherlock and john. This was turning out to be a weird day.


Hello again my fabulous llamas (idek)

So I have a few questions for all my readers -

1) should sherlock and john travel with the doctor or stay back?

2) Should amy and Rory get captured by the angels?

3) Should I include river into the story?


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