Running away

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I stared at Amber in shock, not even bothering to say my name. She stared back at me curiously.

"Are you the doctor?" She asked after a while.

"Erm yes. How did you know that?" I replied

"Because last night I dreamt about you standing like this and I just appeared and you told me you were the doctor. Well, you didn't, but I said that in the dream. Well, I'm actually rambling, but everything I'm saying, I said in the dream" amber said, her bright blue eyes shining from behind her glasses.

"Oh. Well that's weird. What happened next in your dream?"

"Well we talked. I can't tell you what happened next."

"Why not?"

"Because I'd be spoiling you. Doctor, your life is like a book, and I have one of the chapters that you haven't read yet, so I'm not going to spoil you. That would be unfair, wouldn't it?"

I chuckled and shook my head before looking at her once again. Her hair was ruffled, and her eyes were wide, almost scared.

Amber green was something different, and a little bit impossible, so I wanted to find out more about her.

"Well then Amber, I must be getting you back home." I said, turning towards the TARDIS.

I heard her soft footsteps behind me as I walked through the open doors of the TARDIS. I turned around and she smiled excitedly, before running her hand along the walls.

"This. Is. So. Cool!" She said excitedly, taking in all of her surroundings. She jumped up and down and squealed a little bit, and I looked at her, confused.

"Do you know about the TARDIS amber?" I asked her.

"I've seen it in a few of my dreams. I dream about the TARDIS constantly, but never you." She replied, walking towards me.

I smiled to myself, before running to the screen of the TARDIS. Underneath it, there was a keyboard, for me to type in the coordinates of where I wanted to go.

"Where do you live?" I asked her, my fingers hovering over the keyboard.

"66 singer street, in Lawrence, Kansas" she replied. I started to realise her accent, and I noticed it sounded American.

I typed in the coordinates, and set the TARDIS to fly. It materialised and Amber opened the doors. Outside, there was a large house, that looked fairly old and rustic. It was a nice-looking house, but I realised all the lights were off and there was no sign of movement, even though it was late afternoon. Amber went outside, and I followed her. She opened the door to her house and flicked the light switch, but it wouldn't work. She grabbed a flashlight from her trench coat pocket and turned it on. She walked silently into the old house, and I followed behind.

We got to the living room, and I saw a dark shape. Amber shone the torch at the shape, and we saw a a statue of an angel. It was a weeping angel. I pulled amber towards the door, and we fled the house. We ran back into the TARDIS, and I set it to a random destination.

"Are my parents dead?" Amber asked quietly.

"Most probably. Sorry amber" I replied, looking at her from the corner of my eye.

Amber shook her head and walked towards the staircase. "I'm going to bed." She said, waking up the staircase and disappearing down a corridor.


Sorry again for not updating, I lost my wifi, and I only just got it back.

I'll try to post more, but school just started again, and I'm drowning in homework.

Anyway, remember to vote and comment, it's really appreciated!

Thank you all


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