A break

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“Don’t blink,” the doctor called.

Clara and I nodded, keeping our eyes on the angel. I started backing away from the door and I accidentally ran into Clara. We stumbled, and when we looked up, the angel was inside the TARDIS.

I thought about a plan, until I cam across an ingenious one.

“Stay here!” I shouted to the two, before running towards my room.

I searched through my draws, before coming across a mirror. I searched along my shelf, and picked up some tape. I ran back towards the console room, and into the angel’s path, holding the mirror towards its face. I put the mirror on its face, and taped the mirror on.

Clara started giggling at my idea, and the doctor looked shocked.

“How did you come up with that?” he asked.

“I don’t know, it just came to me” I replied.

The doctor nodded his head, and started pushing the angel outside. Once he did, he shut the door and ran around the console, taking us to a – hopefully- nicer place.

Clara opened the doors, and we were on a beautiful planet. It was a beach, the water was crystal clear and it looked perfect. We stepped outside, and the doctor joined us after five minutes, with a few beach blankets and a picnic basket.

“You should get changed into your swimming costume, the water is fantastic!” The doctor exclaimed.

Clara and I got up, and ran into the TARDIS. We both ran into our consecutive rooms, and I started searching for a swimming costume. I found a one-piece set and a pair of swimming bottoms and a shirt to wear, and I hurriedly put them on, before leaving the room again and running down the stairs and out of the TARDIS.

The doctor looked up and waved at me, before looking out to the water again. I smiled, and sat on another beach towel, stretching out my legs. Clara came out of the TARDIS a few minutes later, and looked at the doctor and I.

“Would you like to join me in swimming?” Clara asked us.

I nodded, and we both went out into the water.

We spent the rest of the day swimming, talking and eating the food that the doctor brought in his picnic basket. It was extremely peaceful and fun; just to sit on the beach of a planet without a care in the world.

The sun was on the edge of the horizon when I stood up.

“I am completely knackered,” I said, rubbing my eyes and stifling a yawn.

The doctor and Clara nodded their head in agreement and stood up. I was about to turn when I felt a hand on my shoulder. I jumped, and turned to Clara and the doctor. They also had hands on their shoulders.

“So we meet again,” The master said, coming out of the shadows. He turned to me, “You said the doctor was dead”

I shrugged slightly, and the master glared at me, before turning towards Clara and the doctor.

“See, I don’t like being lied to, and I also don’t like the doctor, so all of you will be coming back with me,” He laughed.

The hand gripped my wrist, and all of a sudden we were in a dark room. I turned, and there were 3 jail cells - One for the doctor, one for Clara and one for me. The figures pushed us into the cells, and locked the doors behind us.

The master appeared again, looking at each of us.

“Enjoy your stay”

Hey guys!


There are three more chapters after this, then an epilogue. A new beginning will be over soon.


I'm kind of sick of this story because it was my first one, and it’s just so repetitive. But I don’t just want to end it hurriedly and stupidly, like ‘And everybody died’ because I’ve actually put time into making this story and people read it… like actual people! Thanks guys ^_^


Maybe I might write a sequel in a bit when I'm ready to come back to it, I don’t know. But I know how I'm going to end this story, and trust me, it’s not anything like ‘And everybody died’ …



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