Doctor, Noble, Green

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Amber's POV

I woke up to an unfamiliar humming. It wasn't my mother or my father. I opened my eyes. I wasn't in my room. That's when it came to me, I was in the TARDIS.

I dragged myself out of bed and grabbed something to wear from my wardrobe. It was a pair of black skinny jeans, a plaid shirt and a brown trench coat, I would usually wear this sort of thing.

I slowly went downstairs, and found myself in the console room. The doctor was sitting on one of the seats, his eyes closed. I didn't want to wake him, so I went to find the kitchen.

I found it, and made myself some cereal. I was eating it in silence when the doctor entered.

"I found a place where you might want to go" the doctor said casually, as he grabbed a banana.

"What, where and when is it?" I replied.

"It's Pluto, you know of it. And sometime around 4500. It's been inhabited by many life forms and it's just magnificent."

I nodded my head and stood up, eager to go. He ran out of the room, and I followed him. He opened the doors, and my mouth dropped open in surprise. It was beautiful. Ice covered the ground, and small snowflakes fell from the pale blue sky.

"A bunch of people inhabited it and gave it an atmosphere like the earth. It's like a constant winter here" the doctor said, catching a snowflake in his hand.

I giggled and grabbed a pile of snow. I went back to the doctor and stood there, before throwing the snow into his unsuspecting face.

"Oh you're on" he said, grabbing a pile and throwing it at me.

We had a snowball fight until we were red in the cheeks from exhaustion, we flopped in the ground and laughed until our insides hurt.

It was one of the best times I had experienced in a long while.

But good things must all come to a close, don't they?

We were on the ground, staring at the colour-shifting sky, when we heard a voice.

"Who are you and what are you doing in my backyard?" It said.

"Oh, we're on official earth business. I'm the doctor and this is Amber" the doctor replied, standing up.

"What earth business?" The woman asked.

"We're inspectors. We need to make sure this planet is safe for everyone" I said, making sure the doctor wouldn't stuff it up.

The woman nodded her head slowly. "Well I'm Martha Noble"

The doctors eyes widened with shock. "As in Donna Noble?"

"Yeah, she's my great, great grandmother or something like that"

The doctor smiled and went back to 'inspecting'. I followed his lead and we 'worked' I silence for a bit.

"Who is she?" I asked, after I made sure Martha was gone.

"Donna Noble used to travel with me. she forgot everything about me and all the adventures we had." The doctor replied. He was short and blunt, so I just left it.

After a while of working, I heard heavy footsteps on the grass.

"The doctor and his companions must be Deleted!"

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