The End

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 The silence of the jail was deafening.

Seconds ticked into minutes, minutes ticked into hours, hours ticked into days. Why wouldn’t the master come back? Why did he leave me to feel this overwhelming sensation of guilt? The doctor and Clara were probably dead. I was the only one left.

I stopped eating my meals; I stopped doing anything. It was my fault this had happened. It was my entire fault. I had smashed the mirror in the bathroom; I didn’t want to see my ugly, pale and disgusting reflection. The person in the mirror was an enemy, sneering at me whenever I viewed it. It was my fault.

Bruises littered my body from my bursts of anger that escaped me, making me punch the walls and punch myself, crying out in frustration that I had caused this. They were dead because of me. It was my fault.

“You’re looking a treat, Amber.” The master laughed.

I snapped out of my daze, and faced the master who was looking at me from the outside of the cell.

“Shut up.” I replied angrily.

“I’ve heard that you haven’t eaten for three weeks and you’ve been getting very angry with… inanimate objects.”

“It’s my fault they’re dead. I don’t deserve to eat. Kill me already, please.”

“Who’s dead?”

“Like you don’t know.” I laughed sarcastically.

“Clara and the doctor? No, they’re not dead.”

I looked from my hands to the master. He was lying. I heard their screams.

“You’re lying.”

The master laughed at me, and opened the cell. He walked inside and shut it behind him.

“I have to make you eat. I’m not letting you starve.”

“Why? You’re just going to kill me anyway.”

“Kill you? No. I can’t kill you.”

“Why not?”

“Because, Amber green, you’re my daughter.”

“SHUT UP! You’re lying. GO AWAY! Please!”

The master was still, even though I told him to go away. Lying to me about Clara and the doctor was one thing, but telling me that I was his daughter was going to far. I started shaking with anger; he had no right to do that.

I lunged at the master and punched him, kicked him and hurt him in any way possible. I was screaming at him to stop lying and let me die. I told him to kill me, and slumped back against the wall, breathing heavily.

“I’m not going to kill you. I’m your father.” The master explained.

“What a great father you’ve been then. My father left when I was really young. My father kidnapped me. My father killed my friends! If you’re my father, I’m ashamed.”

“I- I’m sorry Amber. I had to leave. Your friends aren’t dead!”

The master stood up and pulled me up as well, despite my protests. He pulled me out of the cell room and into a long, white hallway. We walked for a long time until we reached a door, which the master opened. Inside were Clara and the Doctor, sleeping soundly with cuts and bruises littered along their body.

“What did you do to them?” I snarled at the master.

“There were some daleks so I thought they could get rid of them.”

“ARE YOU SERIOUS?” I screamed.

Clara and the doctor woke up, and stared at me curiously. Clara ran forward and hugged me tightly.

“I thought you were dead.” She whispered in my ear.

“I thought you were dead.” I replied.

“I hate to break up this reunion, but I need to take you back to your cell.” The master said.

I tried to put up a fight, but the master put his hand on my head and I fell asleep. When I awoke, I was lying in the cell. I put my hand in my pocket, where I hid the door key after stealing it from the master. I had to get out.

I unlocked the door and ran into the hallway, before finding the door where Clara and the doctor were captive. The door was unlocked, so I opened it and found Clara and the doctor sitting against the wall. They jumped up when they saw me and we ran back along the hallway. We turned left towards a door that seemed to open outside. I opened the door, and saw the TARDIS parked under a cover of trees. We all ran towards the TARDIS, but before we could get there, a flash of light hit the doctor, and another hit me.

Pain erupted in the spot and I screamed in pain, unable to move or think. I felt something drag me towards the TARDIS and the door slam shut behind me. Everything hurt.

And suddenly it didn’t. A sensation ran across me, like the feeling of fire that was cold. I sat up and Clara gasped, before turning towards the doctor. He smiled slightly, wincing in pain as well.

“What?” I asked.

“You’ve regenerated!” The doctor gasped.

I ran towards the bathroom. Regenerated? The master wasn’t lying; I was his daughter. Or at least, I was a timelord. I looked at myself in the mirror and gasped at my change in appearance.

I had brown hair and brown eyes. I had a pointed face and I was an average height. I was different.

Clara and the doctor were talking as I walked back, and as I turned the corner the doctor flashed like flame and in his place stood someone else.

He had regenerated.

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