A new beginning (A doctor who fanfic)

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This is my first story so it won't be the best. Enjoy



The doctor stepped out of his TARDIS to see an apartment. It looked vaguely familiar. He walked inside and walked up the winding staircase.


Amy Pond sat at her desk and looked over, once more at the pages on her desk. She huffed and moved her typewriter closer to her. She typed for a while and pulled out a sheet. It read:

Hello, old friend. And here we are. You and me, on the last page. By the time you read these words, Rory and I will be long gone. So know that we lived well and were very happy. And above all else, know that we will love you always. Sometimes I do worry about you though. I think once we're gone you won't be coming back here for awhile. And you might be alone. Which you should never be. Don't be alone, Doctor.

She huffed and crumpled up the paper.


The doctor walked up to a door. It was plain oak, with a small knocker. He knocked on the door, curiosity taking the best of him. The door opened to a woman with flaming orange hair and hazel eyes.

"What do you-" she began, her Scottish accent echoing off the empty halls. She looked up, and her eyes found his. "Doctor?" She asked, softly.

"Amelia pond!" He said with glee. "Oh how I've missed you Amelia!"

He pulled her into a hug, his eyes shining. He had missed her.

"where's Rory?" He asked.

"He's inside doctor," amy replied, her voice filled with sadness.

Amy led the doctor inside, and kicked the door shut. The room was filled with crumpled up bits of paper and broken pencils.

In the corner, Rory sat, his eyes half closed and a book rested on his lap. At the sound of the door, he opened his eyes. "Doctor?" He asked, his eyes scanning the doctor and Amy.

"Rory! You have changed since I last saw you." The doctor replied, walking over to a seat and sitting down.

"I'll get some tea" Amy said.

They sat in silence for a while until Rory said "look, doctor, I'm really glad that you're here, but I think you need to leave. Amy doesn't know, but the Angels will find you and get you, and you'll be stuck here like us, and I don't want that to happen to you"

At that moment, Amy walked into the room, fear lining her face. "There's an angel, in the kitchen!"

The doctor stood up and went to the door. "Come along ponds" he said, running into the hallway. Amy and Rory looked at each other and followed the doctor down the twisting hall, until they came to a dead end. They turned to see weeping angels surrounding them. The doctor grabbed his sonic and soniced the glass window behind him. The glass shattered onto the pavement 7 stories below. He stood up on the windowsill, and jumped.

A new beginning (A doctor who fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now