An explanation

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I forgot how much I loved tea until I took a sip of it again. I smiled, and watched the doctor take a sip as well.

“I think you should explain first” He said to me.

I nodded and took a deep breath, before explaining everything that had happened since the master had kidnapped me. When I finished explaining, the doctor nodded his head slowly, and looked at his half finished mug of tea.

“Wow” He muttered.

I ignored his statement and gestured for him to say his story.

“Well, I went outside and you were missing, obviously, so I went back into the TARDIS and went basically everywhere to find you. After I realised I couldn’t find you, I found Clara, and we went on adventures. Then, we went to a place called Trenzalore, and your name was on a gravestone. I didn’t notice it at first, but when I did, I decided that you had been captured and killed.” He said.

It was my turn to nod my head, and look at my mug of tea.

“That… that’s weird. Why was my name on a gravestone if I am still alive?” I asked.

“I don’t know. Maybe the gravestone was fake”

I was about to reply when a knocking sound echoed through the TARDIS. We both stood up, and ran to the console room, where Clara was about to open the door. I grabbed her and pulled her backwards.

“Don’t open the door,” I whispered hastily.

“What do we do?” Clara muttered to us.

“I'm going to look on the monitor to see who it is,” The doctor whispered, walking towards the console.

He turned the monitor on, and we all crowded around it to see who was at the door. My worst suspicions were confirmed- it was the master. The doctor sighed, and turned the monitor off again.

“We probably should have left” The doctor muttered.

Clara and I nodded our head in agreement. I thought of a plan in my mind, and pulled Clara and the doctor away from the console room. They followed me into the library, and we all sat down.

“What should we do?” Clara asked, fear in her voice.

“I think we should put the TARDIS on lockdown, and just hide out somewhere where the master cannot find us if he breaks in. If he breaks in, we can ambush him and throw him outside again, and just leave” I said.

They both nodded in agreement, and we tiptoed back towards the console room. I peeked around the corner. No one was there. We walked into the room, and the doctor pressed a few buttons. We heard multiple locks click, and all the lights shut off. The doctor pulled us out of the room, and we searched through multiple corridors, before finding ourselves in a room that was filled with boxes, and had a small TV screen that showed the console room, and the outside of the TARDIS.

“Thank you” I whispered to the TARDIS.

I shut the door, and we all sat in the half darkness, watching the master try to get into the TARDIS. We waited and watched for what seemed for forever, until the TARDIS door sprang open. The master walked inside, confusion written on his face. He pressed a few buttons on the TARDIS, but nothing happened.

I stood up, and tiptoed out of the room, the doctor and Clara following me. We walked through the corridors until we found the master, facing away from us and staring at the console.

I don’t know how I did it, or what persuaded me to, but I jumped over the railing, and rolled, not making any noise. I tiptoed my way behind the master, and grabbed him, putting him in a headlock. I pulled him towards the doors. By then, the doctor was taking the TARDIS off lockdown and getting it ready to fly and Clara opened the doors for me.

“I’m sorry,” I muttered to the master.

I pushed him outside and slammed the doors. The doctor set the TARDIS off and we flew somewhere. When the TARDIS finished materialising, I opened the doors. It was dark and I heard a small child giggling.

I blinked, and then there was a weeping angel in front of me.

A new beginning (A doctor who fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now