Chapter 2- Family dinner.

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"River?" The doctor asked.

"Yes. You know, I'm not going to be here every time you fall out of windows."

The doctor chuckled and grinned. They were all back. The ponds and river. He walked over to river and kissed her on the cheek. " Thanks river"

"Someone's feeling happy today! Well, I suppose your family is back together, that's something to smile at."

The doctor ignored her and we back to his room to get changed out of his sopping wet clothes. When he came back down, Amy, Rory and clara were sitting on the ground near the console, and clara was talking to them in a hushed voice. When he got to the last step, Amy looked up and grinned. "Oh Raggedy man, how I've missed you. But what I really want to know is, why were you there?" She said, looking at him expectantly.

"We were supposed to be going to one of those beach planet things, but something happened and we turned up here. The doctor seemed to be really worried about the place and he told me to stay inside. I wouldn't usually, but he seemed pretty worried about it." Clara answered for him.

The doctor shuffled nervously before looking back up and saying, "I didn't realise you were there. I just wanted to check it out and see if I could do anything. I wouldn't have forgotten about you ponds."

River came in at that moment and looked around at them all. "Dinner will be ready in 5 minutes."


At the dinner table, they all sat in silence, eating. It was a bit awkward for them all, as so much had changed. After a while Amy spoke up, "do I still have to write that epilogue?"

"What epilogue?" The doctor answered

"You know, the one... " river said, before trailing off, her face going blank.

"The one from the book. The one that caused the whole angels thing in the first place!" Amy said. She was really worried now, how could they forget it?

"Amy, what are you talking about?" The doctor said looking at Amy, like she was a psychopath.

White light filled the room and amy felt a falling sensation. She opened her eyes and they were back on the rock, in Manhattan, only the doctor was reading another book, it was called a study in scarlet, by Arthur Conan Doyle.


Heyo everyone! Did someone say paradox?

Or sherlock?


I'm looking forward to putting the sherlock element into this 😃


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