Chapter 1

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Yeah I just got this big idea so I'm writing now! Remember to give me feedback, because that's welcome!



Falling. That's all the doctor could feel. The wind rushing through his hair, the wind engulfing him. He looked at the ground, rapidly approaching him, and closed his eyes. He breathed deeply, and ignored the wind, and the falling sensation. A tear streaked down his face, leaving a trail of wetness, that was quickly dried by the wind. A hard surface hit his legs, and he crumpled.


Rory looked out the window, to see nothing. The blackness must have engulfed the doctor. Amy pulled his arm, and he looked towards her tear streaked face. "We need to go" she said.

Rory followed amy back along the twisting corridor, back to their room. The door was open, but Rory distinctly remembered closing it. He peered in to see a dark shape sitting on the chair. The figure turned, and sparkling blue-green eyes stared at him. He knew those eyes.

"Rory! Amy! I was just travelling, and I saw the doctors TARDIS, where is he? And where is my finished book?" River song asked.

"He- he jumped off the window, to escape the angels" amy answered, her voice shaking.

River stood up and walked into the light. She was wearing knee high boots, jeans and a fleece- lined black jumper. She shook her head and muttered something inaudible. Her eyes scanned Rory and Amy.

"Don't worry, he'll be back soon enough" she said, "but I'm not here for him, I'm here for you. I'm getting you out!"

River ran out the door, obviously expecting them to follow, and they did. They followed river down the twisting corridors, and down the winding staircase. They followed her out the door and into the night.

The weeping Angel filled darkness.

Rory grabbed a torch out of his pocket and turned it on. River grabbed it and led them down an alleyway towards the TARDIS. She pulled out a key and unlocked it, to find a young woman, with brown hair staring at the door, a broomstick held threateningly in her hands.

"A broom isn't going to do much good against us, let alone a monster, sweetie" river said, pulling the broom out of her hands.

"Who are you?" The woman asked.

"I'm River song, and this is Amy, and Rory. We were the doctors companions."

"Well I'm clara, and I'm the doctors new companion. Speaking of the doctor, where is he?" Clara asked, her arms falling to her sides, and her body relaxing, obviously feeling safer.

"He jumped out of a window." Amy said bluntly, her eyes focusing on the floor.

"Well why don't we save him? We have a time machine!" Clara said, pointing towards the console.

"That's the plan sweetie" river replied, walking towards the console. She flipped a lever and pushed a few buttons. The familiar whooshing sound of the TARDIS engulfed them. Amy ran over and opened the doors.


Water engulfed the doctor, as he crumpled on the hard floor of the pool. He opened his eyes and swam up to the surface. He climbed out of the pool, and he stood there, dripping wet. A towel flew towards him, and he caught it.

"Hello sweetie" a voice said.

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