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“Doctor? Can we go to the beach today?” I asked.

The doctor nodded, before dancing around the console. Clara entered the room wearing beach attire and holding a beach towel.

“Did you persuade him?” She asked.

“Yes!” I squealed in reply.

Clara ran towards me and we jumped up and down in excitement. It was a day off from our adventures, just to go to a normal beach on earth.

The doctor opened the doors of the TARDIS and we stood behind him, holding our towels and marvelling at the sight.

Pale yellow sand stretched on for miles, and the blue ocean lapped at the shore. The sun was low in the sky; it was about to set. The scene was perfect.

I ran outside and set down my towel, before wading out into the water. It was a perfect temperature, so Clara joined me and we spent the minimal day left playing around in the shallows.

The sun was just setting as we made our way back to shore, bubbling with excitement about how great the day had turned out to be.

No adventures.

No monsters.

No problems.

It was just Clara, the doctor and I.

We all made our way back to the TARDIS, Clara and I were skipping, arm in arm. The door shut behind us and the doctor went to the console.

“Where next?” He asked.

“Wherever. We have the whole universe to explore.” I replied.

It was true; we had the whole universe to explore. We had the rest of our lives to explore the vast extent of space and everything in its path. Our adventures would never stop- our hearts would stop first.

Everything was perfect.

So that was the end!


I’ll probably edit the story when I have time, but for now I’m going to put it on complete and have a little party in my head because it’s finally finished.

It wasn’t the best story I’ve ever written, and I lost interest in this towards the end, but I knew I had to finish writing it for my readers.


Thanks guys for reading this story.


-Tameeka xx

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