The day after you met~

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"Yeah and they were being mean so I took him here so you could make him better!" you explained to your dad as he helped you roll out the cookie dough.

You had been baking with him and you were currently covered in flour. It was the day after you had arrived at your new house and your dad's efficiency had meant that almost everything had been put where it needed to, which meant there was time for baking.

"You did the right thing (Y/N)" he said as he handed you the cookie cutter.

"He still got hurt though" you pouted as you pressed down on the cutter with your little hands, not quite making it all the way through the dough so your dad had to push on the cutter again quickly before moving the star-shape onto a baking tray.

"Yes but you could have gotten hurt as well" he explained gently as he handed you the heart-shaped cutter you had been reaching for before bending down to place the tray into the oven.

Suddenly, the doorbell rang.

"Oh can I get it?" you asked excitedly as you dad nodded and laughed.

He helped you off the stool and you scrambled to get the door.

"Hello?" you asked as you peeked out the crack.

"Um hello" Yamaguchi said, started at the sight of your face which currently had spots of flour all over it.

"Yamaguchi!" you said excitedly as he smiled.

"Hello there" your dad said to the boy as he came to the door.

"Hello, sorry for the interruption" another voice said as you looked up.

It was a woman who had the same eyes as Yamaguchi but her hair was slightly darker and was tied up in a low pony-tail. She had a kind smile and a few freckles, much like Yamaguchi.

"Oh you're not interrupting at all, we were just baking some cookies" your dad smiled.

"Well we only came by to drop this off," she explained as she placed her hand on Yamaguchi's head "it's a thank you gift for helping Tadashi yesterday"

"Thank you" Yamaguchi mumbled as he looked at you shyly.

"Oh it was nothing" your dad said as he gratefully took the basket she was holding out to him.

"I guess we should leave you in peace" she said as she held out her hand for Yamaguchi to take.

"You don't have to, I think the cookies are almost done, you could come in and have some with some tea if you'd like?" your dad offered.

"I'm afraid I have to take care of some shopping but Tadashi could stay of that would be alright?"

"Can Tadashi stay?" you asked as you looked up at your dad with shining eyes.

"I don't see why not" your dad laughed.

"Thank you, I'll let his father know, you be a good boy Tadashi" she told him as he nodded.

"Come on, you can help finish the cookies with us!" you said excitedly as you happily dragged him inside the house, stopping for a second while he took his shoes off.

"Oh ok-" he said as he stumbled after you.

"We need to wash our hands first" you said as your dad held both of you up to the sink one after the other before grabbing a second stool for Yamaguchi to stand on.

"Which cutter would you like?" you asked as you held out the container with the cutters in.

He looked at them for a second before picking out a simple circle. You smiled at him as you picked up the heart you had been using before. The two of you began to talk happily to each other as you cut out the cookies while your dad placed them on the baking sheet as he left the other cookies out to cool.

"Ok you two, you can go and play in the other room while you wait for these to cool and I'll start making the icing okay?" your dad said as you nodded before leading Yamaguchi into the other room.

"So umm (L/N)" Yamaguchi said quietly.

"What is it?" you asked as you looked at him.

"Thanks for yesterday" he said for the second time.

"I already said it was nothing" you laughed, "and you can just call me (Y/N)"

"Really?" he asked.

"Yep" you nodded.

"Then you can call me Tadashi" he replied happily as you smiled.

"Okay then Tadashi, do you wanna be my friend?" you asked as you held out your hand.

"Yes!" he replied excitedly as he took your hand.

"Great! Do you want to play pirates with me?" you asked.


"Alright!" you exclaimed as you high-fived him.

You began to set up your 'pirate ship' by piling the cushions in front of you like a barrier and Yamaguchi did the same as the two of you pretended to shoot your canons at each other.

"Ahhh you got me, I'm sinking" you cried happily as you pretended that you had gotten hit.

"Haha I'm the ruler of the seas now!" Yamaguchi exclaimed triumphantly.

"No because I have a sword!" you said enthusiastically as you jumped up and ran towards Yamaguchi.

"Ahhhhh!" Yamaguchi fake screamed as the two of you ran around laughing.

Your dad watched the two of you from the doorway and laughed to himself.

"Okay who wants to decorate some biscuits?" he asked.

"Me!" you both said as you followed him into the kitchen.

By the time you had both finished the decorations there were two piles of badly decorated cookies that were covered in sprinkles.

"Good job you two" your dad said.

"Can we eat them now?" you asked.

"Hmmm you can have one each" your dad replied.

"Thank you!" you said happily as you picked one to eat.

"Thank you" Yamaguchi said as he picked one out as well. 

Your dad smiled for a second before busying himself with the washing up.

When it was time for Yamaguchi to leave you both sadly said goodbye but then your parents reminded you that you live next door and were going to be going to the same school so you both cheered up after that.

I had another idea for this but then I watched the Japanese dub for miraculous and realised I couldn't use that idea however I did find out that Ladybug calls Cat Noir Neko-chan so-

My Best Friend Tadashi - Yamaguchi x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now