Chapter 9

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"Hana, you go inside and ask, I'll just wait out here" you said as you pushed her towards the gym.

"Ugh, fine but I might be a while and don't ditch me for Yamaguchi," Hana sighed.

"Don't worry, I won't and thank you for doing this for me," you smiled at her.

Hana rolled her eyes at you "I'm your best friend silly, of course I'm gonna do this for you". She gave you a quick hug "I'll be back, don't get too lonely without me," she grinned.

"Yeah right, see you soon and try not to get caught up with any boys," you replied smirking as you looked at her from the corner of your eye, arms folded in front of your chest.

"Ah, what do you take me for (Y/N)?" Hana mocked fake surprise before she flashed you a quick grin to which you just giggled and rolled your eyes.

"Now, go!" you said as you pushed her in the direction of the gym.

You watched as she entered the gym, walking in without a care in the world, that was until a boy (who looked like a second year) jumped on her which shocked her to say the least. The boy was dragged off of her by another boy who looked like the team captain. 

You couldn't exactly hear what they were saying but it looked like the captain was apologising to Hana. Hana didn't seem to be particularly bothered but you knew that was just because she was revelling in the attention, she was receiving from an entire team of attractive volleyball boys. You saw her bow and then turn around and leave the gym, she spotted you from your hiding spot and gave you a quick grin and a wink.

"What did they say, Hana?" you asked worriedly.

"Why do you look so anxious?" she asked laughing slightly at your confused face, "they said they didn't mind if we came to watch their practices, they also said they were looking for a new manager..." Hana wiggled her eyebrows and looked at you suggestively.

"So we can see Tadashi play? Wait a manager? No, no I can't do that," you stuttered, your face bright red from the thought of being in a gym with a bunch of attractive guys.

"Aww, come on why not, it would be good for you and it would mean to spend more time with Yamaguchi" Hana said as she put her arm around you. 

"Tadashi?" you asked as Hana burst out laughing.

You could feel your face getting increasingly warmer by the second.

"Speaking of Yamaguchi, we gotta meet the boys soon," she continued.

"Oh, right, but about the manager position don't you think it would be better for you to do it, I mean, wouldn't you like being in a gym full of guys?" you asked.

Hana certainly seemed like the better candidate in your mind. She was funny, outgoing and good at pretty much everything she did.

"Normally I would but Saltyshima's on the team and he would give me hell if I joined and I don't wanna put up with him any more than I already have to," she explained, grimacing at the thought of the tall blond boy. 

You looked at her suspiciously but decided to drop the subject. After all, it was none of your business why she didn't seem to like him. 

"Hey, look it's them," Hana pointed excitedly at the group of four boys, two of which consisted of your friends.

"Yeah, but who's with them?" you asked curiously.

"Who cares we can find out later, I wanna go home and get some food" Hana said as she grabbed you by the wrist and dragged you towards the four boys before you could say anything else.

Oh, to be a manager at Karasuno, ngl sometimes I'm extremely jealous of Yachi but it wouldn't matter if I did take her place, none of the boys would like me anyways *goes and cries in the corner*. 

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