Chapter 6

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You opened the door to your house and called for your dad.

"Hey dad, Tadashi's coming here tonight, and maybe Tsukki too do you think you could make us the dinosaur nuggets?" you asked. 

Your dad came down the stairs quite quickly and rushed to meet you at the door. When he got there, he gave you a big hug.

"How was your day at school (Y/N)?" he asked, "you know I missed you, I got a bit lonely having no one around since I was off work today"

"Dad you're strangling me," you gasped as you struggled to escape from his iron grip.

"Oops, sorry about that sweetie, did you say Tadashi was coming, it's been a while and Tsukki, it's very rare that he ever comes here although he does like those dinosaur nuggets I suppose," your dad mumbled on.

"Yeah, yeah, could you get the bedding ready please" you told him.

"Already on it!" he replied sending a quick smile your way.

You were lying on your bed when you heard a knock on your window, you sprung up to open it to let Tadashi in and he fell onto the bed.

"Finally, I was getting bored waiting for you," you pouted. 

Yamaguchi smiled bashfully and brought his arm up behind his neck (Adrien Agreste style).

"Sorry, I was trying to convince Tsukki to come" he replied. 

"Well, what did he say?" you asked curiously.

"He said he'll come if he feels like it" he mumbled.

"Ugh typical Saltyshima," you turned away in disgust, you weren't as fond of Tsukki as you were of Yamaguchi but you made an effort to put up with him because he did save you that one time and Tadashi seemed to like him (you also acknowledged the fact that he probably wouldn't have any friends without the both of you either).

"Let's just go downstairs and watch the TV and see if he shows up, if not we'll just have to eat all the dinosaur nuggets ourselves" you said. 

Tadashi laughed at your sudden declaration but agreed to it anyways.

The two of you were huddled under the same blanket staring intently at the episode of Miraculous that was playing on the TV. Volpina was just about to drop Adrien from the Eiffel tower when the doorbell rang. 

Your tore your gaze off the screen and got up to answer it, Tadashi following close behind you. When you opened the door, the two of you stood there in shock at the tall blonde boy in front of you.

"Well are you going to let me in? I came for the dinosaur nuggets not for you losers" he said.

You stepped to the side as Tsukishima entered your house and you and Tadashi followed him to the kitchen after you closed the door. Your dad was in the kitchen and the dinosaur nuggets had just come out of the oven.

"Hey (Y/N) who was at the door?" he asked but then he stopped when he saw Tsukki, "what a surprise!" he exclaimed in shock, "I didn't expect you to come Tsukishima".

Tsukki looked at him briefly and took a seat at the table while you all gawked at him.

"Why are you acting so surprised? I didn't say I wasn't going to come did I?" he said as he stared back at you. 

Your dad set all the dinosaur nuggets on the table along with an abundant amount of fries (soggy just the way Yamaguchi liked them). You hastily scooped up your nuggets and fries and began shovelling them down. You shuffled a little closer to Yamaguchi and he tilted his head in your direction.

You covered the space between your lips and his ear and whispered, "Do you thinks he's real?" glancing in Tsukkis direction. Yamaguchi looked at you confused.

"Of course I'm real you dimwit," Tsukki glared at you, half a dinosaur nugget in his hand.

You looked up at him surprised.

"What did you think I couldn't hear you?" he asked. 

"No that's not it, it's just that you never want to come to our sleepovers" you explained.

"Well it's not like I had a choice, my brother overheard and dumped me round here then left before I could go home with him. I only came here because it meant that I wouldn't have to spend ages wandering around in the dark by myself" he explained simply. 

"Oh," you and Yamaguchi glanced at each other before looking back at Tsukki. 

You had all finished your dinosaur nuggets

"Well you're here now!" you jumped up and latched onto his neck, he bent over from your weight, surprised at the sudden contact, and tried to pry you off of him. You unwrapped your arms and grabbed his wrists dragging him to the living room with you.

"Come on let's watch Miraculous together!"

I have to say, I am extremely proud of the Miraculous references in this chapter. Am I a huge Miraculous fan? Maybe. Anyways, I probably wouldn't have discovered anime and Haikyuu without it so its definitely relevant in my opinion.

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