Chapter 8

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You had spent the next three years of middle school with your three friends. You and Hana had become extremely close during this period of time that sometimes Yamaguchi questioned whether you still considered him your best friend or not (you did he was just your boy best friend and Hana was your girl best friend).

Although Hana was extremely extroverted and outgoing compared to you, the two of you got along surprisingly well and Hana was a regular guest at your sleepovers. She had surprised you at first because a girl like her seemed out of place in the advanced class. However, it seemed that she was an extremely gifted student and had a particular interest in humanities in which she came top in almost every exam.

She came top in almost every exam because the two of you had decided to hold a friendly competition to see who could be placed first in every subject. You came top in the majority of your classes however Hana beat you by a landslide in P.E because that was undoubtedly your worst subject by far (you seemed to place last every year).

The thing that annoyed you most about Hana was that sometimes she would disappear for a while and you would hear nothing from her, and then she would come back as if nothing happened. You had asked her where she had been a few times but she either just avoided the question or said that she had gone to see her mother, so you just assumed that it was nothing important. She was spontaneous so what more had you expected?

It was a relief when the four of you all went to Karasuno together. Yamaguchi and Tsukishima were in the same class and you and Hana had been placed in the advanced class together which you were very grateful for because you had no idea how you would cope without her.

You had just started a few days ago and Yamaguchi had explained to you that Tsukki and him were going to play in a three on three match against the two other first years joining the team. You had to admit you rather wanted to watch this play out, but you didn't know whether you were allowed too. Your middle had no problem with you staying at their volleyball practices and they even considered you as an unofficial manager but Karasuno was a new school and you weren't sure they were going to allow that.

"Tadashi, do you think they would let me watch your match?" you asked quietly. 

Yamaguchi looked up from his textbook, it was lunch and he had come to your classroom to eat lunch with you and Hana. Tsukki was nowhere to be seen but you knew he would turn up eventually.

"I mean I don't see why they wouldn't, you'll just have to ask," he replied. 

You started to fiddle with your fingers a bit and Hana noticed.

"Hey, don't worry (Y/N), I'll come watch it with you if it makes you feel better, I'll even ask for you," Hana looked at you, her round, brown eyes staring at you reassuringly. You smiled at her gratefully, she was always there to help you out of tough situations.

Tsukishima appeared in the doorway of the classroom and you all turned your heads to face him. Hana's mouth stretched into a wide grin as she leaped out of her chair to go and meet the blond boy.

"Well, look who finally decided to arrive, pretty boy," she smirked as she grabbed a hold of his arm. 

Tsukishima just rolled his eyes and tugged his arm out of her grasp and made his way towards your desk.

"Aww, and I thought you'd be happy to see me" Hana pouted before her face returned to her signature bubbly smile. 

"So, tell me oh great one, why have you decided to honour us with your presence this fine day?" Hana teased as Tsukki groaned. 

They often found great amusement in annoying one another and you had concluded that it was their way of showing affection towards one another although Hana had told you many times how she 'absolutely despised the tall, blond, pretty boy because he was just a grouchy old man who was too salty for his own good'.

"Hey Tsukki," Yamaguchi greeted him.

"Hello, Yamaguchi" he replied in a monotone voice.

"Are you excited for the game?" Yamaguchi asked almost teasingly. 

"Shut up Yamaguchi" Tsukishima replied. 

"Sorry, Tsukki" Yamaguchi sighed. 

You glared at the boy who towered over you and he just looked down at you, unimpressed.

"Why do you always have to be so mean to Tadashi?" you complained, "he's never means to you, and he's your friend."

"Tch, whatever" he scorned earning a smack on the head from Hana to which he glowered at her. Hana then pinched his ear and dragged him to the other side of the classroom where she began to lecture him about being nice to his friends to which he paid no attention to.

When they returned there was a light blush on Hana's face as the previous fury began to die down and the tip of Tsukishima's ear was crimson from where she had grabbed it. Hana plopped down into her seat and smiled at you and Yamaguchi. The two of you glanced at each other briefly and Yamaguchi gave you a soft smile to which you happily returned.

"(Y/N) meet me outside the gym at the end of school, we're going to go and see the volleyball practice and ask if we can watch whenever" Hana stated. You nodded at her and then gasped.

"Oh, Tadashi, do you think you and Tsukki could meet us too? So we can walk home together" you you asked. 

"Sure, I don't see why not, right Tsukki?" Yamaguchi smiled.

"Don't drag me into this," Tsukki sighed earning another playful hit in the side from Hana. You winced at the impact even though you weren't the one being attacked and you knew it wasn't painful, luckily Hana had never hit you, only Tsukishima which you found a little odd.

"Ow, fine, whatever, just don't be late, I don't have time to waste on all of you" he grimaced. 

You smiled worriedly at him, sweat dropping in the process. Hana smiled triumphantly and Tsukki glared down at her.

"Well, we'll be waiting for you, right Hana?" you said as you glanced at Hana. 

"We sure will," she grinned pointing her thumb at her chest, "so you boys better not keep us waiting!"

As you can see this chapter is a lot longer than the last one which is a great improvement I think. Also, I've just spent the past hour sending different anime memes to my non anime fan friends and I have to say it was quite amusing. 

So ummm its me from the future and I somehow converted like three of them into anime fans somehow-

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