Chapter 23

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You grinned when Hinata and Kageyama pulled off their quick attack. However, the two Karasuno alumni who had also come to watch the match were just as confused as Nekoma and coach Nekomata.

"No way, what was that!" Shimada exclaimed.

"It was freaking awesome that's what it was!" Takinoe replied, equally as enthusiastic.

You had been afraid of the two men at first, but they seemed nice enough, so you didn't find them that scary anymore.

"Its Hinata and Kageyama's special quick attack," you explained "they've been practicing it a lot, it's like Karasuno's secret weapon." 

They nodded in understanding and continued to watch the game. You were extremely interested in Nekoma's setter, it seemed like he was able to figure out how to get around the quick attack and one of their middle blockers, Inuoka, was able to block Hinata's attacks.

"They're not focusing on Asahi even though he's the ace, they're focusing on Hinata," you whispered to yourself.

You were a bit disappointed, Karasuno had been in the lead but now it seemed like Nekoma was going to pull through in the end and defeat them. When their captain was rotated into the first row you knew it was over, Kuroo Tetsurou, he was an extremely talented blocker there was no way that Karasuno were going to be able to beat him. Nekoma had been trained as a team, Karasuno hadn't, they had lost the match the second they stepped into the gym, why were you only just realising this now?

"Come on Tsukki!" you yelled down to your tall blond friend who just gave you a dirty look in response.

The captain of Nekoma looked up at you.

"I thought that they were with that other guy, with the freckles?" he said confused.

"They're just childhood friends with both of them but we all secretly ship them with Yamaguchi!" Hinata piped up.

"What!" you shouted down at your team "is that true?" you embarrassed again and so was Yamaguchi.

"Boke Hinata Boke! They weren't supposed to know about that!" Kageyama scolded the smaller orange boy.

"Ahhh, you're right, just forget I said anything!" Hinata exclaimed in a feeble attempt to cover up his mistake. 

While you were internally dying, the match continued and eventually Karasuno ended up losing.

"Hey, lets play, one more time!" Hinata said to Nekoma.

Again? You thought. Hadn't they already played enough? But then again Hinata had ridiculous amounts of energy when it came to anything volleyball.

And so, they played again and lost again. Hinata wanted to play again and again after that but Coach Ukai reminded him that they had to catch the bullet train and so they started to clear everything up.

You immediately went down to help them and began gathering up the volleyballs. That's when the tall, bed headed captain of Nekoma, Kuroo Tetsurou came up behind you.

"Hey, I can take them if you want," he offered holding his hand out to you, signalling to give him the volleyballs. You squeaked and jumped back a little, surprised at his sudden gesture.

"Oh no its fine I can take them," you stuttered gazing up at the handsome boy in front of you.

He gently took they volleyballs out of your hands. 

"Don't worry I've got them," he said grinning, "now you can go and talk to your boyfriend."

"Oh, not you too," you groaned.

Kuroo started cackling like a hyena, "now you've got all of Nekoma and Karasuno rooting for you!"

"That's what I was worried about, look I don't see him like that, I think" you explained despite not being sure yourself.

"You think? Anyways, what if he likes you would you turn him down?" Kuroo asked almost sincerely, he didn't seem to be joking anymore.

"Tadashi doesn't like me like that so I wouldn't get the chance to turn him down" you said simply.

"That wasn't the question," he sighed. "Look I'll just leave you two to figure it out on your own, it's none of my business anyways, just take my number and keep me updated alright?"

Before you got a chance to respond he slipped a piece of paper into your hand and walked off to put the volleyballs away. Luckily no one had really paid attention to your conversation, so you were spared from that embarrassment at least. You shoved the paper into your pocket, if Hana found out, which she probably would, there was no way she would let you forget about it.

Then you got a phone call from your dad.

"Hello, are your friends going to come over?" he asked as soon as you pressed answer.

"Ummm, I think they're a bit tired right now so maybe another time okay, dad?" you told him.

"Oh, okay then, what a shame I really wanted to meet them" he said in disappointment.

"Well I'm going to hang up now, I'll see you later" you replied.

"Okay, bye sweetie!"

So basically the phone call is really irrelevant and it's only there because I forgot that (Y/N)'s dad asked for them to come over and I was too lazy to write it in so I had to like cover it up somehow. Also, if you can't tell I'm kinda avoiding writing about all the matches because idk how I would write them and I think it would be pretty boring anyways.

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