Chapter 12

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You hid behind Hana as you walked into the gym, ready to see the match between your friends.

"Looks like we're the first ones here (Y/N), let's go up there so we can get a better view!" she pointed up to the second floor and pulled you up to it. She leaned over the railings and turned her head towards you.

"So, who do ya think's gonna win?" she asked.

"Well, I don't know, I mean, I don't know much about the other team so I can't be sure..." you muttered.

Hana sighed, "Okay, let me rephrase it, who do you want to win?"

"Well, I'd have to say Tadashi," you said honestly, sweating slightly as the thoughts from last night cam flooding back.

You mentally cursed yourself, hadn't you just forgotten about those thoughts? Hana raised an eyebrow at your reaction.

"Hey, do you feel sick? You looks kinda ill" she asked, concerned.

"No, no, it's nothing, I'm fine, really don't worry about me," you stuttered as you tried to calm yourself in the hopes that you would act normally again.

The doors to the gym burst open and Hinata, Kageyama, and the boy who had jumped on Hana the first time she had come to the gym walked through the doors.

"(L/N), Nakamura, you came!" Hinata shouted drawing the attention of the other two boys towards you.

"What! You got people to come watch our match? Well, I hope you're ready to see me be super awesome," the bald guy said.

"Tanaka, they're not here for you."

You saw the rest of the volleyball team walk into the gym and every pair of eyes eventually found their way towards Hana and you. You shrunk back, uncomfortable with the large amount of unwanted attention.

"Unfortunately, this person right here is here for Yamaguchi and I had to come with them" Hana pretended to sound bored as she grabbed you by the side and ruffled your hair.

You felt yourself begin to sweat again. This was a perfect example of when Hana's confidence clashed horribly with your shyness.

"No, Hana you made it sound different to what it actually is!" you complained.

The volleyball team blinked in unison but when your friends came through the door all heads turned towards them and chaos let lose.

"No way dude, you're in a relationship?" the silver haired third year asked as the volleyball team crowded around him.

"What?" Yamaguchi's face exploded with colour "a relationship?" he stuttered as you ran down the stairs towards him.

"Tadashi, they've got it all wrong, Hana said I was here for you but she made it sound like we were together and not that I was your best friend!" you explained poorly as you tried to fix the sticky situation Hana had put you in.

It clearly wasn't working and Yamaguchi just stood there in shock while Tsukki and Hana snickered in the back, finding your discomfort amusing.

Then you made a fatal mistake. You grabbed both of Yamaguchi's hands in your own and looked him dead in the eyes.

"We're not together are we Tadashi, quick tell them!" you pleaded, gazing into his wide eyes in desperation.

Everyone's eyes fell towards your hands and then you realised what you had done. You felt your heart drop and you squeaked as you dropped his hands. You went silent. You were breathing heavily from being overcome with embarrassment and you quickly clasped your hands over your mouth in realisation. Everyone was staring at you but luckily Hana had decided to intervene.

"Sorry guys, but Yamaguchi isn't in a relationship" she had met you on the bottom floor and gently pulled you back up to the top floor and you followed even though it felt like your soul had left your body.

"But what he does have is an amazing childhood best friend" she explained.

The team nodded and collectively 'ohed' as they understood the situation.

"And I didn't just come here for (Y/N), I may have decided to come and watch someone in action as well" Hana smirked at Tsukishima who scowled at her.

"Wait, Tsukki has a girlfriend instead?" someone asked.

"I wouldn't be caught dead with her or anyone else for that matter so you can be quiet" Tsukishima replied.

"Aww, and I thought you loved me!" Hana pouted jokingly.

"Don't make this worse for yourself," Tsukishima grimaced.

"Alright! How about we stop worrying about the first year's love lives and get on with the match?" the boy who you assumed to be the captain said.

"Right!" everyone shouted.

I feel like this chapter played out a little fast but oh well. Its never gonna be the best because it's my first fanfic. Also, Haikyuu is ending tomorrow and I am not ready.

Please I'm editing this and it's so cringey for what-

My Best Friend Tadashi - Yamaguchi x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now