Chapter 10

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"Hey Yamaguchi, Tsukki, we're here!" Hana shouted at them.

"Oh, look it's the royal pain," Tsukishima smirked. 

Hana stuck her tongue out and pulled down her eye with her finger but Tsukki just rolled his eyes.

"Woah, no way you are those your partners!" someone exclaimed. 

You all looked towards the short, ginger boy who had blurted out that simple sentence.

"Partners?" Yamaguchi asked in confusion as you covered your face from embarrassment. 

"Eww, as if, no way I would be caught dead with him" Hana frowned at the boy as she gestured towards Tsukishima.

"Tch, like I'd ever voluntarily spend time with you either," snapped Tsukishima.

"Hey!" Hana slapped the back of Tsukki's head lightly.

"Agh! I'm sorry I just assumed because you were acting all friendly," the boy spluttered. "My name's Hinata and this guy is Kageyama," he said pointing towards his much taller friend who looked blankly at the rest of you.

"Kageyama, eh?" Hana smirked looking him up and down, "I like where this little meeting is going, say wanna hang out some time?" she asked the black-haired boy as she fluttered her eyelashes. 

You rolled your eyes at her childish flirting, you knew she wasn't really that into him, she just found it interesting how different people reacted. Kageyama looked very confused but before he could answer he question he was interrupted by Tsukishima.

"Tch, like he'd ever want to go out with a loser like you."

"What did you say?" Hana glared at him then dragged him away and began to argue with him about being nice to people again. You and Yamaguchi just glanced at each other knowingly, leaving Hinata and Kageyama extremely confused.

"Don't worry about them, they do that all the time," you smiled at the two boys and they turned their focus back to you.

"Um ok, hey what's your name?" the ginger boy asked enthusiastically.

"Oh, me?" you asked surprised. The two boys nodded. "Uh, well my name is (Y/N) (L/N) and that girl over there is Hana Nakamura."

"Cool! Hey, do you play volleyball like your friends?" the short boy got incredibly close to you causing you to hide behind Yamaguchi.

"Uh, well not exactly" you began.

"Boke! Hinata, boke!" the larger boy scolded, "can't you see that you're getting too close?"

"Agh, sorry, sorry!" Hinata apologised, "I just get excited when it comes to volleyball!"

"Volleyball? Oh, I guess you're the other first years that Tadashi has to play against" you said.

"Yeah they are" Yamaguchi said nervously. 

You looked up at him concerned, from what you had witnessed, the two of them weren't very smart but they gave off such an intense passion that it was hard to ignore. You were worried, how was Tadashi going to cope playing against these boys? At least he had Tsukki on his team, that made you feel a little better. As much as you hated to admit it, you knew that Tsukki was an incredibly talented blocker.

"Hey, (Y/N) let's go, I'm hungry y'know!" Hana had returned with an unimpressed Tsukishima in her grasp.

"Uh, right come on Tadashi," you bowed towards your new acquaintances, "it was very nice meeting you, good luck in the volleyball game."

"Ok, bye-bye (L/N)!" Hinata said nudging Kageyama in the side.

"Goodbye," Kageyama replied.

"Wow, I'm impressed (Y/N), you've made two new friends already" Hana grinned as she gently elbowed you.

"Friends..." you looked down at your shoes and smiled. 

You had made new friends and they seemed very nice, even though Kageyama hadn't spoken much.

"And that Kageyama guy is kinda hot!" Hana joked.

"Too bad you're so ugly," Tsukishima teased.

"Huh? You wanna say that again pretty boy?" Hana asked as she raised an eyebrow. 

You laughed and looked up at Yamaguchi staring into his beautiful brown eyes. You laced your fingers in his which caused a sudden rush of colour to flood his face, but he gripped your hand tightly.

"Ooo, look at the lovebirds!" Hana teased. 

She had ceased her bickering with Tsukishima and was staring at your intertwined fingers. You quickly took your hand back and hid your face again.

"No Hana it's not like that. We're just friends!" you protested.

"Yeah right, just make sure I'm the maid of honour at your wedding!" she laughed. 

Hooray! We finally have some lovey-dovey action between (Y/N) and Tadashi! There will be more to come I promise it's just a little awkward for me to write things like that for some reason. And we finally met Kageyama and Hinata, yay! I actually love those two volleyball dorks so much, even if they aren't the brightest when it comes to anything else.

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